CONVERSION BETWEEN HEXADECIMAL AND BINARY SYSTEMS ... As you have no doubt observed by this time, writing out and reading numbers in natural binary form is quite a nuisance because of the large number of digits involved. Since it is easy to convert natural binary numbers into hexadecimal numbers, it is practical to write or machine print out natural binary numbers as hexadecimal numbers for ease in handling. A couple of examples will show you how the conversions are made.  

EXAMPLE  ... Convert binary number 1011010 to the hexadecimal equivalent.  

SOLUTION . . . The first step is to rewrite the number with the digits grouped in fours:

0101 1010

Note the zero were placed in front of the first digit 1 in order to make the two groups complete.

Next, write the decimal equivalent over each group:  

5        A

0101  1010  

The hexadecimal equivalent of binary 1011010 is 5A. 

Uploaded Thu, 21-Jan-2021
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