Core Type Induction Furnace

Core Type Induction Furnace

It is shown in Fig. 47.14 and is essentially a transformer in which the charge to be heated forms a single-turn short-circuited secondary and is magnetically coupled to the primary by an iron core. The furnace consists of a circular hearth which contains the charge to be melted in the form of an annular ring. When there is no molten metal in the ring, the secondary becomes open-circuited there-by cutting off the secondary current. Hence, to start the furnace, molted metal has to be poured in the annular hearth. Since, magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary is very poor, it results in high leakage and low power factor. In order to nullify the effect of increased leakage reactance, low primary frequency of the order of 10 Hz is used. If the transformer secondary current density exceeds 500 A/cm2 then, due to the interaction of secondary current with the alternating magnetic field, the molten metal is squeezed to the extent that secondary circuit is interrupted. This effect is known as “pinch effect”.

Uploaded Mon, 25-Jan-2021
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