Forward converter
The forward
converter is illustrated in Fig. 11. This transformer-isolated converter is
also based on the buck converter. It requires a single transistor, and
therefore finds application at power levels lower than those encountered in the
full bridge circuit.
The maximum transistor duty cycle is limited in value; for the common choice n1 = n2, the duty cycle is limited to the range D < 0>
When transistor Q1 turns off, the transformer
magnetizing current forwardbiases diode D1, and hence voltage – Vg is applied
to the second winding. This negative voltage causes the magnetizing current to
decrease. When the magnetizing current reaches zero, diode D1 turns off.
balance is maintained on the transformer windings provided that the magnetizing
current reaches zero before the end of the switching period. It can be shown
that this occurs when
For the common choice n2 = n1, this expression
reduces to
D ≤ 1 /2 (13)
Hence, the
maximum duty cycle is limited. If this limit is violated, then the transistor
off time is insufficient to reset the transformer. There will then be a net
increase in the transformer magnetizing current over each switching period, and
the transformer will eventually saturate. The converter output voltage can be
found by application of the principle of inductor volt-second balance to the
output filter inductor L. The result is
V = n3/n1DVg
This expression is subject to the constraint given in Eq. (12).
A two-transistor version of the forward converter is illustrated in Fig. 12. Transistors Q1 and Q2 are controlled by the same gate drive signal, such that they conduct simultaneously. After the transistors turn off, the transformer magnetizing current forward-biases diodes D1 and D2. This applies voltage – Vg across the primary winding, thereby resetting the transformer. The duty cycle is again limited to D < 0>
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