Interrupt Control

Interrupt Control

As the name suggests this control interrupts a process. Consider that a microprocessor is executing the main program.  Now whenever the interrupt signal is enabled or requested the microprocessor shifts the control from main program to process the incoming request and after the completion of request, the control goes back to the main program. For example an Input/output device may send an interrupt signal to notify that the data is ready for input. The microprocessor temporarily stops the execution of main program and transfers control to I/O device.  After collecting the input data the control is transferred back to main program.

Interrupt signals present in 8085 are:


RST 7.5

RST 6.5

RST 5.5



Of the above four interrupts TRAP is a NON-MASKABLE interrupt control and other three are maskable interrupts. A non-maskable interrupt is an interrupt which is given the highest priority in the order of interrupts. Suppose you want an instruction to be processed immediately, then you can give the instruction as a non-maskable interrupt. Further the non-maskable interrupt cannot be disabled by programmer at any point of time. Whereas the maskable interrupts can be disabled and enabled using EI and DI instructions. Among the maskable interrupts RST 7.5 is given the highest priority above RST 6.5 and least priority is given to INTR.   

Uploaded Mon, 18-Jan-2021
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