The modified form of Kelvin bridge is shown in Fig. 2.6. The two actual resistances of correct ratio are connected between point m and o. The galvanometer is connected at the junction of these resistances. Due to the introduction of second set of ratio arms, this bridge is termed Kelvin double bridge.
The first set of ratio arm is R1 and R2 and the second set of ratio arm is r1 and r2. The galvanometer is connected to point n such as to eliminate the effect of connecting lead of resistance Rl between the unknown resistance RX and standard resistance R3. The ratio of r1/r2 is made equal to R1/R2. At bridge balance condition the current through galvanometer is zero, i.e., the voltage drop between point a to b (Eab) is equal to the voltage drop between the point a-m-n i.e. Eamn
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