Light is a form of electromagnetic energy radiated from a body and
human eye is capable of receiving it. Light is a prime factor in the human life
as all activities of human being ultimately depend upon the light.
Various forms of incandescent bodies are the sources of light and the
light emitted by such bodies depends upon their temperature. A hot body about
500–800°C becomes a red hot and about 2,500–3,000°C the body becomes white hot.
While the body is redhot, the wavelength of the radiated energy will be
sufficiently large and the energy available in the form of heat. Further, the
temperature increases, the body changes from red-hot to white-hot state, the
wavelength of the radiated energy becomes smaller and enters into the range of
the wavelength of light. The wavelength of the light waves varying from 0.0004
to 0.00075 mm, i.e. 4,000-7,500 Å (1 Angstrom unit = 10–10 mm).
The eye discriminates between different wavelengths in this range by the sensation of color. The whole of the energy radiated out is not useful for illumination purpose. Radiations of very short wavelength varying from 0.0000156 × 10–6m to 0.001 × 10–6 m are not in the visible range are called as rontgen or x-rays, which are having the property of penetrating through opaque bodies.
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