Principle of Differential
Protection scheme is one simple conceptual technique. The differential relay actually compares between primary current and secondary current of power transformer, if any unbalance found in between primary
and secondary currents the relay will actuate and inter trip both the primary
and secondary circuit breaker of the transformer. Suppose you have one transformer
which has primary rated current Ip and secondary current Is. If you
install CT of ratio Ip/1A at the primary side and similarly, CT of ratio Is/1A
at the secondary side of the transformer. The secondaries of these both CTs are
connected together in such a manner that secondary currents of both CTs will
oppose each other.
In other
words, the secondaries of both CTs should be connected to the same current coil
of a differential relay in such an opposite manner that there will be no
resultant current in that coil in a normal working condition of the
transformer. But if any major fault occurs inside the transformer
due to which the normal ratio of the transformer disturbed then the secondary
current of both transformers will not remain the same and one resultant current
will flow through the current coil of the differential relay, which will
actuate the relay and inter trip both the primary and secondary circuit breakers.
To correct phase shift of current because of star-delta connection of
transformer winding in the case of three-phase transformer, the current transformer secondaries should be connected in delta and star as shown here.
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