Two Wattmeter Method

Two Wattmeter Method

The circuit diagram for two wattmeter method of measurement of three phase real power is as shown in the figure 34.7. The current coil of the watt meters W1 and W2 are inserted respectively in R and Y phases. The potential coils of the two watt meters are joined together to phase B, the third phase. Thus, the voltage applied to the voltage coil of the meter, W1 is VRB= VR-VB, while the voltage applied to the voltage coil of the meter, W2 is VYB=VY-VB, where, VR, VB and VC are the phase voltage values of lines R, Y and B respectively, as illustrated by the phasor diagram of figure 3.8. Thus, the reading of the two watt meters can be obtained based on the phasor diagram of figure 4.8, as follows:


                                                     W1 =  IR VRB                                                               

                                                             =  IL VL cos (30 - Ø)                                                                                (3.9)

                                                      W2 =  IY VYB                                                               

                                                             =  IL VL cos (30 + Ø)                                                                               (3.10)

Hence,                       W1+W2 = √3 VL IL cos Ø = P3ph                                                                                  (3.11)

And                            W1-W2 = VL IL sin Ø                                                                                                       (3.12)

So that then,                                                                                                                   

  Tan Ø = 3 [W1-W2]/ [W1+W2]                                                       

Where Ø is the lagging PF angle of the load. It is to be noted that the equations (3.11) and (3.12) get exchanged if the load is considered to be of leading PF. 

Uploaded Sun, 24-Jan-2021
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