Unit Parabolic Signal

Unit Parabolic Signal

A unit parabolic signal, p(t) is defined as,



We can write unit parabolic signal, p(t)p(t) in terms of the unit step signal, u(t)u(t)as,


The following figure shows the unit parabolic signal.

So, the unit parabolic signal exists for all the positive values of ‘t’ including zero. And its value increases non-linearly with respect to ‘t’ during this interval. The value of the unit parabolic signal is zero for all the negative values of ‘t’.

Time Response Analysis & Design

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<![endif]--><!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->Two types of inputs can be applied to a control system

Command Input or Reference Input yr(t)

Disturbance Input w(t) (External disturbances w(t) are typically uncontrolled variations in the load on a controlsystem)

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<![endif]--><!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->In systems controlling mechanical motions, load disturbances may represent forces.

In voltage regulating systems, variations in electrical load area major source of disturbances.

First-order system time   response

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Transient

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Steady-state

   Second-order system time response

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Transient

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Steady-state 

Uploaded Sun, 17-Jan-2021
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