PYTHON & Django Training Provided by Inventateq Job Oriented Software Training Courses Training Institute in Bangalore
PYTHON & Django free videos and free material uploaded by Inventateq Job Oriented Software TraininG staff .
execute a Python script at the shell prompt
write and call a simple function
write a simple class and access methods and attributes
import and utilize a module
use Python types, expressions, and None
use Python statements (if...elif..else, for, pass, continue, . .
. )
use string literals and string type
what NumPy does and what SciPy is (are?)
interpreter and compilers: CPython, PyPy, Cython
role of package managers: easy_install, pip, IDE’s: IDLE, IPython,
IPython Notebook
Django training classes
More Job opportunities in Python Technologies compared with others.
Employers are looking for fully stacked programmers and Python will help you get there
For people planning to become software developers, learning this type of programming in one area will help you adapt easily in other environments.
Great Career Prospect
Python make it one of the best languages to learn. Today, several Python developers across the globe are developing a variety of software packages for application in numerous industries
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