Advanced Java Training Course by SLA Consultants Noida Training Institute in Noida
Advanced Java Training Course free videos and free material uploaded by SLA Consultants staff .
Advanced Java
Database Programming Using JDBC
JDBC Drivers
4 Ways of Getting Database Connection
Statements, Callable statement, Prepared statement and their differences.
Metadata, Result Set MetaData, Database MetaData and their differences.
Scroll able & Uneatable Result Set.
Batch Updates.
Data Source & Connection Pooling.
Connection Pooling using Data Source.
Performance increase using Connection Pool.
Row Sets
Transactions (Commit, Rollback, Save point).
Introduction to J2EE Architecture
Tier Architecture
Single Tier.
Two Tier.
Three Tier.
N Tier.
J2EE Components
Web Components.
Business Components.
J2EE Containers
Container Types.
Container Services.
Introduction To Uml
Document Type Definition (DTD)
Xml Parsers
Document Object Module (DOM)
Simple API for XML (SAX)
Java Servlet
Introduction to Web Programming.
Advantages of Servlets.
Servlet Lifecycle.
Difference between a simple java class and a servlet class.
Request Dispatching.
Types of Session Tracking.
Event Listener.
File Uploading / File Downloading.
Packages used to develop a Servlet.
Java Server Pages (JSP) & JSTL
JSP Architecture.
Servlet Lifecycle versus JSP Lifecycle
Difference between a Servlet class and a JSP page
What to choose between a Servlet and a JSP
Integration of a JSP and a Servlet in a single application
JSP Elements.
JSP implicit Objects.
Custom Tags.
Using Tags of JSTL.
Expression Language
Exception Handling in JSP.
Embedding core java in a JSP using Scriplets.
Demonstration of a JSP and Servlet in a single application.
My Eclipse 8.0.
NetBeans 6.5.
Web Server
Apache Tomcat 6.0.
Application Server
JBoss 4.0, 6.1 & 6.3
Java is a fourth generation Object Oriented Programming Language, which is quite simple, robust, platform independent, portable and highly secure web and application. It is used everywhere, from your mobile device to refrigerator and washing machine. It is also one of the most widely utilized web development programming language, which is used by millions of companies all over the world. And it may be very easy to learn, still proper Advanced Java Training is necessary to master this ground-breaking platform and use it in the real world. SLA Consultants India is a leading Advanced Java Training Course provider in Delhi-NCR, Noida & Gurugram/Gurgaon where the students are provided with high quality course module and dependable instructors to make them a professional Java programmer.
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