Angular Training Provided by DataFlair Web Services Training Institute in Indore
Angular free videos and free material uploaded by DataFlair Web Services Training Institute staff .
1.Diving into Angular
What is Angular
Angular or Angular JS?
History and Version Releases
Why Angular is most popular web
development framework?
2. Getting Ready to Learn Angular
Software installation and
Upgrading the existing Angular
version to the latest version
Create the first Angular
3. Angular Architecture
Building blocks of Angular
Different Angular Modules
Exploring first application -
4. Working with Angular Components
Customizing appComponent
Data Binding
Life Cycle of Component
Adding new Component
5. Component Interaction and Lifecycle hooks
Parent-Child component Structure
@Input directive
@Output directive
Lifecycle hooks of components
6. Angular Directives
Types of Directives
Attribute Directives
Structural Directives
ngClass and ngStyle
7. Angular Pipes
Parent-Child component
Structure in Angular
@Input directive
@Output directive
Lifecycle hooks of components
8. Working on Services
Why and what is a Service
Creation of services in Angular
Utilizing Service
9. Demystifying HttpObservables
What is Observable
Implementing Observable Service
Communicating with server via
observable in Angular
10. Learning Routing in Angular
What is routing
Steps for creation of routing
Route Matching Strategies
Working with Route Parameters
Working with Route Guards
Working with Child Route
Lazy Module Loading
11. Working with Forms and Reactive Forms
Types of forms
Building blocks
Creating Forms
Data flow mechanism
Reactive Forms
Building Reactive Form
Update elements
Working with FormGroup
Nested FormGroup
setValue and setPatch
Working with FormBuilder
Playing with Dynamic Form
12. Template Driven Forms
Building Template Driven Forms
Playing with two-way data binding
using ngModel
ngModel Validations
Submitting the form
13. Apply Validations
Implement Template Driven Form
Reactive Form Validation
Develop Custom Validations
Cross Field Validations
14. Working with i18N
Need for i18N
Step by step setup of i18N support
Steps for i18N
Demystifying language information
Managing configuration file
15. Testing & Debugging
Importance of Testing &
Types of testing in Angular
Working on Karma
How to test angular components and
16. Real Life Angular Projects
Live Angular projects based on
real industry scenarios. Work on real life problems and handle
become industry ready
Angular course offers a perfect blend of in-depth theoretical knowledge and strong practical skills via implementation of real-life Angular projects to give you a headstart and enable you to bag top Angular jobs in the industry.
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