Business Process Analyst

Business Process Analyst by SLA Consultants Noida Training Institute in Noida

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by SLA Consultants staff Last updated Thu, 28-Apr-2022 English

Business Process Analyst free videos and free material uploaded by SLA Consultants staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Module 1 - Basic and Advanced Excel With Dashboard and Excel Analytics

Introduction to Excel:-

Basic Understanding Menu and Toolbar, Introduction to different category of functions like Basics, Mathematical and Statistical, Date and Time, Logical, Lookup and References, Text and Information.

Mathematical Functions:-

Sum, Sumif, Sumifs, Count, Counta, Countblank, Countif, Countifs, Average, Averagea, Averageif, Averageifs, Subtotal

Aggregate, Rand, Randbetween, Roundup, Rounddown, Round, Sumproduct

Date and Time Function:-

Date, Day, Month, Year, Edate, Eomonth, Networkdays, Workday, Weeknum, Weekday, Hour, Minute, Second, Now, Today, Time

Text Functions & Data Validation:-

Char, Clean, Code, Concatenate, Find, Search, Substitute, Replace, Len, Right, Left, Mid, Lower, Upper, Proper, Text, Trim, Value, Large, Small Filters (Basic, Advanced, Conditional), Sort (Ascending, Descending, Cell/ Font Color), Conditional Formatting, Data Validation, Group & Ungroup, Data split.

Statistical Function & Other Functions:-

Isna, Isblank, Iserr, Iseven, Isodd, Islogical, Isytext, Max, Min, Len, Right, Left, Mid, ,Maxa, Maxifs, Median, Minifs, Mina, Vara, Correl, Geomen

Logical Functions:-

And, Or, If, Iferror, Not, Nested If

Lookup & Reference Functions:-

VLookup, HLookup, Index, Match, Offset, Indirect, Address, Column, Columns, Row, Rows, Choose, Arrays Concept In Lookup Formula’s, Past Special, Past link

Pivot Table – MIS, Data Analysis & Visualization:-

Pivot Table- What-if Analysis, Data Table –One Variable and Two Variables, Data Analysis Using Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, ANOVA, Moving Average, Testing Hypothesis, Measuring Covariance and Correlation, Distribution, Regression, Graphs & Charts, Analysis Tool Pack, Solver, Histogram, Pareto, Water Fall, Import and Export data, Protect/Unprotect sheets/workbooks, Worksheet formatting and Print Display

Data Collection Method:-

With Data Quality, Collaboration & Security Like Share Your Workbook On Share Drive With Quality

Analysis Single/Multidimensional Analysis:-

Like Three Dimensional (3D) Tables, Sensitive Analysis Like Data Table, Manual What-If Analysis, Threshold Values, Goal Seek, One-Variable Data Table, Two-Variable Data Table

Advanced Dashboard in Excel:-

Overview of Chart types, Chart Formatting, Active X Form Controls, Principle of great dashboard design, Selecting Correct Chart to display data, Interactive Charts with Form Controls, Combo box, Check Box, Scroll Bar and Radio Button, Interactive Dashboard with Form Controls, Form Controls for reports automation, Data Models using Power Pivot

Two Live Report Development in Advanced Excel:-(Real World Data):-

Module 2 - VBA / Macros - Automation Reporting, User Form and Dashboard

Module 3 - SQL and MS Access - Data Manipulation, Queries, Scripts and Server Connection - MIS and Data Analytics

Module 4 - Tableau | MS Power BI ▷ BI & Data Visualization

Module 5 - Python | R Programing ▷ BI & Data Visualization

Module 6 - Python Data Science and Machine Learning - 100% Free in Offer - by IIT/NIT Alumni Trainer

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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IntroductionAbout Business Process Analyst TrainingWhy learn Business Process AnalysisBusiness Process Analyst Programme Details

A Business Process Analyst (BPA) is a specialty Business Anlayst who is able to analyze the company and business domain along with documenting the Business Processes, draw inferences from process details and systems and assess the business model and integrating the technology. The Business Process Analyst is one of the most important personnel in any business organization who breaks down the process in different steps and develops Technical Solutions to the business issues and have the company to advance by increasing their sales effort, define and analyze requirements, manage requirements at project levels and help the company to fulfill their business requirements. Today, the importance of Business Analysts is huge in the market as they can identify business issues and facilities solutions to the stakeholder so that the business performs efficiently in the future, increasing productivity and performance. This is why a large number of candidates and students who have completed their graduation wants to enter into the Business Rrocess Aanalysis field and gain expertise and skills so that they can become a highly demanding professional who will be respected and recognized in the market. If you are also one of those candidates, then what you should do is to attend professional and quality Business Process Analyst Training Course in Delhi where you will get to learn and master numerous Tools and techniques that would help you perform Business Process Analysis such as Advanced Excel, MS Access and SQL, etc. SLA Consultants India has designed a remarkable and job specific Business Process Analyst Training Course which is targeted towards both beginners and working professionals to learn and enhance their expertise in Business Process Analysis and lead a promising career successfully. 

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