C/C++ Training

C/C++ Training by Qtree Technologies Training Institute in Coimbatore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Qtree Technologies staff Last updated Tue, 12-Apr-2022 English

C/C++ Training free videos and free material uploaded by Qtree Technologies staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

C Programming

Introduction to the C Language

The C Language and its Advantages

The Structure of a C Program

Writing C Programs

Building an Executable Version of a C Program

Debugging a C Program

Examining and Running a C Application Program

Data Types and Variables

Data Types

Operands, Operators, and Arithmetic Expressions

nput/Output Management

Input/Output Management

The getchar() and putchar() Functions and Single-character I/O

Formatted Input and the scanf() Function

Control-flow Statements

The Control-flow Program Statements

Looping Statements

The Data-checking Process

Modular Programming with Functions

he C Function

Passing Data to Functions

Passing an Address to Modify a Value in Memory

Using Functions in the Checkbook Program

The C Standard Library Functions

Arrays, Pointers, and Strings




Using Arrays, Strings, and Pointers in the Checkbook Program

C / C++ C Language

Introduction to C Programming<

Introduction to the Course

Overview to C Programming

Why use C?

Uses of C

A Brief History of C

C for Personal Computers

Running C Programs

The Edit-Compile-Link-Execute Process

Using Microsoft C

Unix systems

Structure of C Programs

C's Character Set

The form of a C Program

The layout of C Programs

Pre-processor Directives

Your First Program

Add Comments to a Program

Data Types

Integer Number Variables

Decimal Number Variables

Character Variables

Assignment Statement

Arithmetic Ordering

Something To Declare

More on Initializing Variables

Input and Output Functions

On The Run

Input and Output Functions in More Detail

The % Format Specifiers

Formatting Your Output

Custom Libraries

Summing It Up

Conditional Execution

Program Control

Logical Expressions

True and False in C

Using break and continue Within Loops

Select Paths with switch

Structure and Nesting

Think of a number

Functions and Prototypes

Functions - C's Building Blocks

Functions and Local Variables

Making The Connections

Functions and Prototypes

What is ANSI C?

The Standard Library Functions

Throwing The Dice

Data Types Part II

Global variables

Constant Data Types


Advanced Data Types

In Dis-array


Point to Point

Swap Shop

Pointers And Arrays


Stringing Along

As easy as... B or C?

A Sort Of Bubble Program


Defining A New Type

Structures and Functions

Pointers to Structures


Structures and Linked Lists

Structures and C++

Header Files

File Handling<

The Stream File

Text File Functions

Binary File Functions

File System Functions

Command Line Parameters

C++ Programming

Object Oriented Features - Fundamental OOp features, embodied in C++ classes

Basic OO concepts, example

Classes: definition, attributes, methods

Customer class: definition/declaration, implementation

File organization: header files, implementation files

Minimum class functions: declaration, implementation

Objects - Two different types of C++ objects and safe ways of handling them

Definition, UML syntax, comparison with classes

Creating C++ objects: automatic, dynamic

Automatic objects: syntax, proper style, common mistakes

Dynamic objects: syntax, features, common mistakes

Managing object pointers to keep them safe.

What we've seen so far... - Reviewing the C++ / OO world

>OO concepts

C++ Keywords

C++ features

C++ class versus the UML analysis model

C++ class versus the UML design model

C++ Application Code - Building a basic C++ application

The required main() function

The main() function file

Application files

Lab One - Building the Customer C++ application

The Customer application in C++

Project, directories and files

Running the application

Constructors - A fundamental OOP feature

Constructor role, syntax

Example: header file, implementation file

Constructor with default parameter values

Constructor header, implementation and usage

What we just learned

Encapsulating into an object - How a String class can be designed to greatly simplify the Customer class, according to strategies

We can accomplish more

Impact of a String object to the Customer class

The String class: features, design, attributes, methods

Lab Two - Appreciating the power of encapsulation and specialization

String class implementation

Using the String class in the Customer class

Code review and discussion

Destructors - The art of describing complex object interactions

Role, syntax, usage

Code examples with the Customer and Credit classes

Header and implementation files for destructors

Lab Three - Implementing the String destructor

Dynamic de-allocation

Array de-allocation

Run, test, debug

Associations - How objects stay in touch with each other

Self-reference, the this pointer

Credit and Customer class associations code

main(): how the association is used

Association UML syntax and examples

Reflexive associations for diagraphs, linked lists, hierarchies

Association roles

Lab Four - Making objects interact with each other in C++

Applications made of interacting objects

Simple linked list example

List and Link class members

Putting Customer objects in the list

Write, test, debug and extra credits

Inner Classes - The proper syntax for private objects and true encapsulation


Inline Syntax

Header / implementation syntax

Code example

Lab Five - Inner classes at work

Link as an inner class of List

Credit as an inner class of Customer

Code, test, debug

Code review

Solution discussion

What we've learned... - Summarizing the key OO features and techniques, implemented in C++

Encapsulating string matters in a String class

C++ application architecture

Allocation / de-allocation of objects

Encapsulation / specialization

Constructors / Destructors


this self reference

Object design fundamental strategies

Inner classes

C++ References - A nicer and safer syntax to handle objects

Concept and formal syntax

Example with the Person class

Methods returning a reference to self


Brief exercise

Initialization - Starting with a value

Object initialization

Declaration, implementation, usage

Member initialization

Example with the String and Person classes

Initializing primitive type members

Formal syntax

Lab Six - Initializing many objects and members

Initializing String members in Customer and Credit classes

Initializing List using either references or pointers

Write, run, test, debug

Solution walk through

C++ Operators - A simple and powerful syntax to handle a natural need

A natural need

Alternate syntax for methods

Examples and formal syntax

Complete case: the Complex class

Internal and external operators

Lab Seven - Creating your own operators

String class assignment and append operators

Write, run, test, debug

Solution walkthrough

Static Class members as opposed to object members

Beyond objects: class members

Examples, allocation, initialization

Brief exercise

Composition / Aggregation - Objects containing or owning other objects

Definition and UML syntax

The real composition concept

Multiple parts

Aggregation versus composition

Inner class notation

Class type notation

Examples in C++

Brief exercise

Constant members (const) - A simple syntax to enforce proper OO design strategies

Const members

Const parameters

Const variables

Const methods


Brief exercise

Inheritance - Modeling type hierarchies

Definition and UML syntax

Instantiation limitations

Inheritance versus the Is A relationship

Inherited object examples

Multiple sub-classes and multiple inheritance

Inheritance C++ syntax - Coding inheritance in C++

Derivation model and code: simple inheritance

Multiple inheritance

Initialization according to constructor needs

Initialization according to inheritance type

Example with Contract / Development / Maintenance

Virtual methods

Lab Eight - Coding a C++ project involving inheritance, associations, aggregation

The Retail problem domain model

Associations, compositions

Inheritance and virtual methods

show() and getPrice() methods

Write, test, debug and solution code walkthrough

Interfaces - Generalizing a group of methods that form a functional concept

The concept of interface and UML notation

Pure virtual classes and inheritance for interfaces

C++ examples

Brief exercise

Exception Handling - Encapsulating and processing exceptions outside the main business logic

Inner class exception type and value

try, throw and catch

Call stack handling

Throwing objects for better exception handling

Building self-contained exception classes

Building exception class hierarchies

Exceptions with templates

Exceptions and constructors

Exception interface specification



Object Design - Fundamental principles and basic patterns

Specialization, self-sufficiency, interface

Delegation, propagation

A common object design pattern

Application to the Deal model

Multiple and cascading object interactions in C++

Object sequence and collaboration diagrams


Brief exercise

C++ implementation of associations and association classes - Design and coding of the most common relationships

Implementation algorithm

Single or multiple links

Single or bi-directional traversals

References or lists of references

Association classes implementation


Brief exercise

Templates - Beyond classes and models: templates and meta models

Concept, flexibility and power

Examples, formal syntax

Header and implementation parts (both in header file)

Complex class complete example

Brief exercise on the Complex class

Lab Nine - Implementing a whole template

Concept of a parametized List

Implementing the Link template

Implementing the List template

Additional methods

Write, test, debug and solution code walk through

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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