C Programming Language

C Programming Language training is provided by Spark Databox Training Institute in Anywhere in India

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Created by SparkDatabox Training Institute staff Last updated Wed, 13-Apr-2022 English

C Programming Language free videos and free material uploaded by SparkDatabox Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Section 1: Introduction to Programming

 Program and Programming

 Programming Languages

 Types of Softwares

 Operating Systems

 Dos commands

 Basic Linux commands and through the editor

 Compiler, Interpreter, Loader, and Linker

Section 2: Fundamentals in C

 History of 'C'

 A Simple C Program

 Program execution phases

 Backslash character constants

 Character set


 Number systems

 Format specifiers




 Data Types

 Declaration of Variable

 Assigning Values to Variables



 Const Qualifier

 Basic Structure of a 'C' program

Section 3: Operators and Expressions

 Dealing with all 45 operators

 Arithmetic operators

 Increment and decrement operators

 Relational operators

 Logical operators

 The bitwise operators

 The assignment operators

 The conditional operator

 The size of the operator

 The comma operator

 Typecasting operator

 Other operators

 Precedence and order of evaluation

Section 4: Data types                                


 Format specifiers

 Dealing with each data types

 Memory representation of each type

Section 5: Input-Output Library Functions

 Unformatted I-O Functions

 Single Character Input-Output

 String Input-Output

 Formatted I-O Functions

 printf() Width Specifier

 scanf() Width Specifier

Section 6: Control statements

 Conditional Control Statements



 nested if-else

 else-if ladder

 Multiple Branching Control Statement


 Loop Control Statements




 Nested Loops

 Jump Control statements






Section 7: Function

 What is a function?

 Why function?

 Advantages of using functions

 Function Prototype

 Defining a function

 Calling a function

 Return statement

 Types of functions


 Nested functions

 main() function

 Library Function

 Local and global variables

Section 8: Storage class

 Types of storage class

 Scoping rules

 Dealing with all storage classes

Section 9: Pointer

 Def of Pointer

 Declaration of Pointer Variables

 Assigning Address to Pointer


 De-referencing Pointer Variables

 Pointer to Pointer

 Pointer Arithmetic

 Pointer comparisons

 De-reference and increment pointer

 pointer to const data

 const pointer

 const pointer to const data

 Void pointer or Generic Pointer

 Null pointer

 wild pointer

Section 10: Pointer and Function

 Parameter Passing Techniques – call by

 value, call by address

 Using Pointers as Arguments

 Function Returning value

 Returning More than one value From A


 Functions Returning Address

 Function Returning Pointers

 Dangling pointer

 Pointer to a Function

 Calling A function through the function pointer

 passing A function's address as an Argument to other function

 Functions with a variable number of arguments

Section 11: Array

 One-dimensional arrays

 Declaration of 1D arrays

 Initialization of 1D arrays

 Accessing element of 1D arrays

 Reading and displaying elements

 Two-dimensional arrays

 Declaration of 2D arrays

 Initialization of 2D arrays

 Accessing element of 2D arrays

 Reading and displaying elements

Section 12: Pointer and Array

 Pointer and one-dimensional arrays

 Subscripting pointer variables

 Pointer to an array

 Array of pointers

 Pointers and two-dimensional arrays

 Subscripting pointer To an array

Section 13: Array and Function

 1D array and function

 Passing individual array elements to a function

 passing individual array elements address to a function

 passing whole 1d array to a function

 2D array and function

 Passing individual array elements to a function

 passing individual array elements address to a function

 passing whole 2d array to a function

 using arrays of a function pointer

Section 14: Dynamic memory allocation



 realloc() .


 Core dump

 Memory leak

 Dynamic 1D and 2D Arrays

Section 15: Strings

 strings versus character arrays

 Initializing strings

 Reading string

 Displaying string

 The %s format specifier

 The gets() and puts() functions

 string handling functions

 string pointers

 Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string

 array of pointers to strings

Section 16: Command-line arguments

 what is a command prompt?

 why command line?

 What are command-line arguments?

 Programs using a command line

Section 17: Preprocessor

 What is preprocessing?

 Macro expansions

 File inclusions

 The conditional compilation

 The stringification(# )and token passing operator,( ##) operators

Section 18: Structure

 Why is structure used?

 What is structure?

 Advantages of structures

 Defining a Structure

 Declaration of Structure Variables

 Initialization of Structure Variables

 Accessing Structure Members

 Storage of Structures in Memory

 Size of Structures

 Reading and Displaying Structure


 Assignment of Structure Variables

 Pointers to structures

 Array of structures

 Arrays within structures

 Nested structures

 Self-referential structures

 memory link(linked list)

 Bit fields

Section 19: Structure and Function

 Passing structure member to a function

 Passing structure variable to a function

 Passing structure variable address to a function

 Passing array of structure to a function

 Returning a structure variable from function

 Returning a structure variable address from function

 Returning structure variable from a function

Section 20: Union and Enumeration and typedef

 What are unions?

 Structures versus unions

 Working with unions

 Initializing unions

 Advantages of unions

 enum keyword

 typedef keyword

Section 21: File Handling

 Using files in C

 Buffer and streams

 Working with text files and Binary Files

 File operations using std. library and system calls

 File management I/O functions

 Random Access Files

Section 22: ODBC Programming

 ODBC rules and regulation

 Introduction to MYSQL and Oracle

 Creating, inserting, and retrieving

 records for different Databases

Section 23: Process and Threads

 What is process & Threads

 Use of fork, vfork

 Daemon process

Section 24: Graphics & Curses

 Graphics using Glade interface with GTK+

 Working with GTK Widgets, Event handling

 Developing Application Interface

Section 25: Real-time project

 C project environment setup

 Real-time C project

 Project demonstration

 Expert evaluation and feedback

Section 26: You made it!!

 Spark Databox C certification

 Interview preparation

 Mock interviews

 Resume preparation

 Knowledge sharing with industry experts

Counselling to guide you to a right path in C career


Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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C Programming Language Training in Coimbatore The C Programming language is a popular procedural programming language that has been borrowed from several other programming languages, like Perl, PHP, Python, and Objective C. Spark Databox classroom training in Coimbatore. Spark Databox offers the best C Programming language Coimbatore Classroom Training. This language promotes structured programming and is used in assembly language-coded applications. This language is widely used in various fields, from Like embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. It also has the function that it is possible to perform more than one assignment in a single statement. Nearly all OS programs are written in the C Programming language, such as Windows, UNIX, and Linux.

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