CakePHP Training Provided by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute in Gurgaon
CakePHP free videos and free material uploaded by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute staff .
Module 1- Introduction to Cake
Importance of Cake
OOPs Programming
Encapsulation and inheritance
Abstract classes and objects
Class constants
Module 2- Model View Controller Architecture
Working with database
Setting up Cake PHP
Module 3- Installation and
Running Cake PHP
Set up routines
Designing database
CRUD operations
TMP folder for Cake
Module 4- Conventions
Default behavior of MVC
Naming controllers, views and
Best practices
Convention over configuration
Core components and behavior
Module 5- Building Simple Views
Create views in Cake PHP
Launching Bake to build views
CRUD Views
Module 6- Customizing views, controllers and models
User interaction
Form submission
Methods for reading, finding and
Module 7- Helpers and Routes
HTML Helper
Cake’s in-built helpers
Form, Ajax, Javascript Helpers
Paginatior, Session and Text
Reverse Routing
Rewriting URLs in the Router
Admin Routing and Route Parameters
Module 8- Components and Utilities
Using Components
Session, cookie, email, vendors
Installing third party plugins
Data sources and behaviors
Live Project
CakePHP is an open source light weight web framework which is written in PHP and based on MVC architecture that also involves less coding. There are various application development frameworks available in the market but cakePHP stands out due to its ability to develop, deploy and maintain web applications easily. It follows an object relational mapping programming technique and allows reusability of code, testing, authorization and other great features. And being a PHP framework, it also enjoys a wide presence in the market and over 80% of the market share is with PHP programming language.
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