Collibra Course Certification Training is provided by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute in Bangalore,BTM
Collibra free videos and free material uploaded by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute staff .
Introduction And Data
Management Fundamentals
Introduction to Data management and Governance
Data & Data Lifecycle
What is Data Management & Data Governance
Why is Data Governance Important
Problems faced by organization without a proper Data
How Data Governance can solve the problems for an
Challenges to implement a successful Data Governance
Data Governance
Data Governance Framework
Data Governance Framework
Pillars of Data Governance:
Data Governance Strategy
Data Governance Policies & Procedures
Data Governance Organization and Stewardship Model
Data Governance Organizations
Roles and Responsibilities within Data Governance
How to implement and operationalize a Data Governance
Stewardship Model
Other Data Management
Metadata Management
Business Glossary
Data Dictionary
Data Classification
Data Classification Rules & Regulations
Data Classification Standards
Benefits of proper Data Classification
Data Quality
Benefits of Data Quality implementation
Data Quality Dimensions
Data Quality Rules and Metrices
DG Tool –Collibra
Introduction to Collibra
What is Collibra
Benefits of Collibra over other DG Tools
Products of Collibra
Describe and deep-dive in Collibra DGC
Functionality of different products(i.e. Collibra Catalog,
Policy Manager, Helpdesk etc. )
Metamodel Structure in Collibra and Hierarchy
Defining structure and hierarchy in Collibra
What is Community in Collibra?
What is Domain in Collibra?
Types of Domains and custom Domain types in Collibra
Template structure and Template views in Collibra
Assets, Attributes, Relations & Roles in Collibra
Asset types and Asset Structure in Collibra
Attribues in Collibra
Types of relations and out-of-the-box relations in Collibra
Roles and responsabilités and their use in Collibra
Basics Of Integration
What is Integration
Need for Integration
Benefits of Integration
Collibra API Recap
Types of Integration
Different types of Integration
My SQL Integration
AWS integration using Collibra Catalogue
Snowflake Integration
Template structure and Template views in Collibra
Other Areas Best Practices for integration
Collibra On Prem and Collibra on Cloud
What is On prem and Cloud Infra
What is the difference between Collibra Cloud and On prem
Benefits of using different infrastructure
Setting up Collibra
Installing Collibra in cloud
Installing Collibra on prems
Key consideration of installation. And process
Collibra Deep-Dive
Lineage in Collibra
The benefit of lineage at an enterprise level
Lineage and how to use it in Collibra
Custom lineage view in Collibra and its benefits
Workflows in Collibra
Automated workflows and their use
Out-of-the-box workflows in Collibra
What is Domain in Collibra?
Scope of customized BPMN workflows in Collibra
Collibra Console
Use of Collibra Console
Nodes and Logs in Collibra Console
Back-up settings in Collibra Console
Complete Operating Model in Collibra
Demo of an End-to-End Operating Model in Collibra
Collibra Desktop and ‘On-the-Go’
Collibra On-the-Go
Collibra Use Case And
Collibra Use cases
Possible Collibra Use cases
Example of 4-5 Collibra Use cases
Hands On Training
Participants will be given an assignment
The assignment is aligned with real project scenario and
Collibra Partner Training structure
After the assignment is done, we will have them checked and
suggest required changes
Additional Topics
Domain specific Use Cases
Collibra Certification Assistance
DG Framework Knowledge Transfer
The application and role of Collibra are humongous and
complex. The way ExcelR caters the training based on a modular and personalized
approach makes it easy for the participants acquainted with general and core
concepts to deliver optimum results with higher accuracy
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