All about Computer Graphics Video PPT lecture notes assignments question papers
Computer Graphics free videos and free material uploaded by Nagaraju Thatha .
• To develop, design and implement two and three dimensional graphical structures
• To enable students to acquire knowledge Multimedia compression and animations
• To learn Creation, Management and Transmission of Multimedia objects.
2D Primitives Output primitives – Line, Circle and Ellipse drawing algorithms - Attributes of output primitives – Two dimensional Geometric transformations - Two dimensional viewing – Line, Polygon, Curve and Text clipping algorithms
3D Concepts Parallel and Perspective projections - Three dimensional object representation – Polygons, Curved lines, Splines, Quadric Surfaces, - Visualization of data sets - 3Dtransformations – Viewing -Visible surface identification.
Graphics ProgrammingColor Models – RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV – Animations – General Computer Animation, Raster, Keyframe - Graphics programming using OPENGL – Basic graphics primitives –Drawing three dimensional objects - Drawing three dimensional scenes
Rendering Introduction to Shading models – Flat and Smooth shading – Adding texture to faces –Adding shadows of objects – Building a camera in a program – Creating shaded objects– Rendering texture – Drawing Shadows.
FractalsFractals and Self similarity – Peano curves – Creating image by iterated functions – Mandelbrot sets – Julia Sets – Random Fractals
Overview of Ray Tracing Intersecting rays with other primitives – Adding Surface texture – Reflections andTransparency – Boolean operations on Objects.
• Know and be able to describe the general software architecture of programs that use 3D computer graphics.
• Know and be able to discuss hardware system architecture for computer graphics. This Includes, but is not limited to: graphics pipeline, frame buffers, and graphic accelerators/co-processors.
• Know and be able to select among models for lighting/shading: Color, ambient light; distant and light with sources; Phong reflection model; and shading (flat, smooth, Gourand, Phong).
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