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Computer Graphics & Geometric Modelling free videos and free material uploaded by Uday Shankar .
Course Objectives:
This course provides comprehensive introduction to computer applications including geometric modeling and computer graphics.
Expected Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to acquire knowledge ofthe applications of computers in design and manufacturing activity
Student Learning Outcomes:
Module :1
Review of CAD/CAM systems Product life cycle, CAD/CAM systems and applications,3D modeling concepts, PLM and associated databases
Computer graphics Transformations – 2D & 3D, Homogenous representation, concatenated transformations,Visualisation – Hidden line, surface and solid algorithms, shading, colors
Geometric modeling – Curves Curve entities and representation, analytic curves – line, circle, ellipse, parabola, synthetic curves – Hermite cubic spline, Bezier curve, B-spline curve, NURBs, Curve manipulations
Geometric modeling – Surfaces Surface entities and representation, surface analysis, Analytical surfaces, synthetic surfaces – Hermitebicubic surface, Bezier surface, B-spline surface, Coons surface, surface manipulations
Geometric modeling – Solids Geometry and topology, solid entities and representation, Boundary representation, Constructive solid geometry, Features
Assembly modeling Introduction, assembly tree, assembly planning, mating conditions, assembly approaches, testing mating conditions, managing assemblies, inference of position and orientation, assembly analysis
Mass properties and Product data exchange Calculation of mass properties, Types of translators, IGES, STEP, ACIS and DXF, processors
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