Expert Selenium

Expert Selenium Training Provided by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute in Gurgaon

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute staff Last updated Mon, 11-Apr-2022 English

Expert Selenium free videos and free material uploaded by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


What is automation testing?

What is the use of automation testing?

What we need to Automate?

What is Selenium?

Advantages of Selenium

What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?

Different flavors in Selenium


Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0


Selenium IDE

Installing Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE icons

Recording your first test with Selenium IDE

IDE Context Menu



Adding Selenium IDE comments

Synchronization commands

Working on pages with AJAX

Storing elements

Creating test suites

What you cannot record

Locators & Object Identification

Tools to identify elements/objects

IE Developer tools

Google Chrome Developer tools

Locating elements by ID

Finding elements by name

Finding elements by link text

Finding elements by XPath

Finding Elements by using CSS


Java For WebDriver

Introducing the JAVA technology:

Relating Java with other languages

Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system

Key features of the technology and advantages of using Java

Java Features

Write Simple Java Program

Compile and Run the class files

Java Programming format

Java Keywords

Java Data Types

Declarations and Access Control

Operators and Assignments

Flow Control




Introduction to all predefined packages

User-Defined Packages

Access Specifiers

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts:




Local, Instance and static variables


This keyword

Inheritance and Types

Working with superclasses and subclasses

Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding



Abstract classes


String Processing:

String manipulation with String Builder and String Buffer

Essential String Methods

Exceptions and Assertions:


Exceptions categories

Standard Java Exception classes

Using Try-catch and finally clause

I/O Streams:

I/O using Java

Files (Create/Read/Write operations on files)


Introduction to Collections framework

util Package

List, Set and Map

Difference of All Collections Interfaces and classes

Reading data from Property files using java program

Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI API

TestNG FrameWork

Overview of TestNG

Environment of TestNG

Writing WebDriver Test Cases using TestNG

Basic Annotations of TestNG

Executing Tests

Executing Test Suites

Ignore Test

Dependency Test

Parameterized Tests


Report Generation


Why WebDriver?

Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse

Architecture of selenium webdriver

Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc

What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?

Sample programs in webdriver

Handel Text box

Handel HyperLink

Handel Button and Check box

Handel Radio Button and DropDown Controls

Select value from DropDown

Display all values

Select values step by step

Capture screenshots

Synchronization Commands In Web Driver

Why Implicit wait and Implementation of Implicit wait

Why Explicit wait and Implementation of Explicit wait

Web Driver Fluent wait and Thread Sleep functionality

File uploads and File downloads (Handling Window based controls using Robot and Sikuli API)

Handling alerts box and Verfying the Alert Texts

Handling confirmation messages

Keyboard actions

Mouse actions

Handling Iframes working with Nested Iframes

Handling multiple tabs

Handling popups

Preparing web driver test cases using customized x-path

Identifying controls using x-path predefined functions

Web Tables

What is Web Table

Extracting data from web tables

Examples on static and dynamic Web Tables

Creating Reusable functions for Web Tables

Automation Test Frame Work

How to develop Test automation framework in live environment

What is a framework

Types of framework

Data-driven framework

Modular driven framework

Keyword driven framework

User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation

Execute test scripts from the framework

Web Driver with TEST NG Frame Work

Batch Running Test cases using TestNG

Validations and its usage in Automation test scripts

Customized Report Generation

Implementing Logs using Apache Log4j API

Database testing using Web Driver

Working with multiple browsers

Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers Sequentially

Working with Chrome and IE browsers

What is Firefox Profile And Implementation of Firefox Profile

What is WebDriver Desired Capabilities class

Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers Parallel

Introduction to Selenium Grid

Installing grid and configure grid’s build.xml for your tests

Execute tests through Grid in sequence or parallel

Grid hub & node and Grid console

Introduction to SauceLabs

Introduction to SauceLabs

Maven Project Management Tool

Introduction about maven

High-Level Overview

Ant vs Maven

Installation of Maven

Demo using Sample Maven Project

Maven Structure

Introduction of Maven Folder Structure

The pom.xml



Local Repo Structure


Sample Demo of Build Session of Maven Project

Maven Dependencies

Dependency version



Transitive Dependencies


Maven Repositories

What is a Repository

Dependency Repository

Adding a Repository

Plugin Repository

Maven Eclipse Integration

Demo Installation

Importing Projects

Converting Existing Projects

Pom Viewer

Effective Pom

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Selenium is one of the most advanced and highly reliable Automation Software Testing Framework used for web-based applications. It is an open source automation Testing tool used by millions of Organisation all over the world for testing purposes. Selenium Automation Testing tools support all the programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, C# and much more. It is also compatible with all the web browser which makes it a leading Software Testing tool for the user. Selenium is a collection of classes, methods and interfaces and if anyone desires to become a professional an automation tester, then it is highly important to attend Expert Selenium Training in Gurgaon/Gurugram provided by SLA Consultant Gurgaon

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