Full Stack Python Training Provided by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute in Pune
Full Stack Python free videos and free material uploaded by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff .
Basic Foundation Course
Programming Basics
Fundamentals of Computer
Understanding Applications
Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
Number Systems
Application Software
Operating System & Networking
Need for operating system
Functions of Operating System
Process Management
Memory Management
File Management
Device Management
Types of operating system
TCP/IP fundamentals
Networks and computer networks
2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture
C Language
Introduction to C
Keywords, Constants and Variables
Data Types in C
Operator and Expressions
Control Structure
String Handling
Preprocessor Directives
File Management in C
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Object-Oriented Concepts using C++
Introduction to OOPs
Beginning with C++
Class, Objects Basics
Constructor, Data Members
Operator Overloading
Linux Foundations
Introduction to UNIX and its flavours
UNIX architecture
File System
User and Group Policies
Unix general commands
Concept of Files and Directories in Unix
File Permission and related commands
Filter Commands and their options
Vi Editor
Introduction to Database Management Systems
Introduction to Database
Data types
SELECT Statement
Restricting and Sorting Data
Aggregating Data using Group Functions
Manipulating Data
Sub queries
Important Functions
Joins and different types
Front End Technologies
. Front-End Introduction
What are website and web application?
What is the difference between the local server and web
Client-server architecture
Introduction and Basic Structure of HTML
Paragraphs, Headings and Text Formatting Tags
Html list
Html links
Html Images
Html table
Html4 & 5 form elements
3. CSS
Introduction of CSS
Types of CSS
Basic CSS properties
CSS Box Model
Division Structure (Overview of how to create a webpage )
CSS Position
4. Javascript
Introduction of Javascript
How to display output in JS
JS Variables &Datatypes
JS Operators
JS Conditional Statements & Looping Statements
JS Functions
Pre-defined Functions
User-defined functions
HTML Events
JS Validations
5. Bootstrap
What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap Setup
Bootstrap grids
Bootstrap buttons, forms, navigation bars
Python - Back End Technologies
Python Programming
An Introduction to Python
Python Environment Setup
Discuss IDE's like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy
Start programming on an interactive shell.
Python Identifiers, Keywords
Discussion about installed modules and packages
Access Command line arguments within programs
Conditional Statement, Loops, and File Handling
Python Data Types and Variable
Condition and Loops in Python
Python Modules & Packages
Python Files and Directories manipulations
Use various files and directory functions for OS operations
Python Core Objects and Functions
Built-in modules (Library Functions)
Numeric and Math's Module
Complex Data structures in Python
Arbitrary data types and their Data Structure
Python built-in function
Python user-defined functions
Python packages and functions
The anonymous Functions - Lambda Functions
Object-Oriented Python
OOPs Concepts
Object, Classes and Destroying Objects
Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
Overloading Operators
Exception Handling in Python
Exceptions Handling
Handling various exceptions using try....except...else
Try-finally clause
The argument of an Exception and create a self exception
Python Standard Exceptions
Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
Debugging Python Programs
Debug Python programs using PDB debugger
Assert for debugging
Testing with Python using UnitTest
Iterable and generator in Python
Yielding from the generators
Standard project setup in Python
Regular Expression
Regular Expressions
What are regular expressions?
The match and search Function
Compile and matching
Matching vs searching
Search and Replace feature using RE
Extended Regular Expressions
Wildcard characters and work with them
Package Installation and Windows spreadsheet parsing
What is pip, easy_install?
Set up the environment to install packages?
Install packages for XLS interface, Database Interface, and
Web interface
XML and XLS parsing with Python
Create XLS reports with Python
Database Handling with Python
Database Handling with MySQL
Python MySQL Database Access
Create Database Connection
DML and DDL Operations with Databases
Performing Transactions
Handling Database Errors
Disconnecting Database
Database Handling with MongoDB
Establishing a Connection
Accessing Database
DML and DDL Operations
Web-Baed Python Frameworks
Django Framework
Introduction to Django
How to create Django App
Url Mapping
Introduction to static file
Django Model Overview
Creating model
Model template view creation
Django forms and validation
Relative Url with Template
Interacting with a Database: Models
Overview of Models,
Creating Models
Configuring the Database
Your First App
Using Django with MySQL.
Population Scripts
Models-Templates-Views Paradigm
Inserting and Updating Data
Selecting Objects
Deleting Objects
The Django Administration Site
Activating the Admin Interface
Using the Admin Interface
Users, Groups, and Permissions
Database Handling with NoSQL DB
Establishing a Connection
Accessing Database
DML and DDL Operations
Views and Templates
URL Template Inheritance
Template Inheritance Coding Example
Quick Note on Custom Template Filters
Template Filters and Custom Filters
Template Filters Coding Examples
Django Passwords
Deploying Django Framework
Form Processing
Django Forms
Form Validation
Model Forms
Relative URLs with Templates
Relative URLs Coding Examples
Flask Framework&TkInter GUI Framework
Overview of Flask Framework
Installation of Flask and Demo Application
Overview of TkInter Framework
TkInter Widgets
Daily Assignments and hands-on Topics covered.
Interview Questions, Resume Formation and Interview Tips
Soft Skills
Self Analysis
Know yourself
Personality types
Areas of interest
2. Self Discovery
SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats
3. Goal Setting
Short-term plan
Long-term plan
Effective Time-management
4. Effective Self Presentation
Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene
5. Effective Communication
Verbal – Language
Voice modulation - Tone, Pitch
Clarity of Speech
Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening
Written communication – general business correspondence
Email Etiquette
Body Language
Understanding non-verbal communication
Postures, Gestures, Eye contact
Tips to prepare impressive Resume
Tips for Group Discussion
Handling Telephonic interview
Mock – Technical interview
Mock – Personal Interview (PI)
Office Etiquettes and Mannerism
3RI Technologies is one of the industry-leading project-based full-stack python web development online training. We ensure 100% job assurance and assistance as well. This full-stack web developer training online is designed with all the technology learning’s in-depth, real-time projects, and scenario-based training is also provided.
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