inux Administration Training Provided by learntek
inux Administration free videos and free material uploaded by learntek staff .
1. Introduction To Linux
What is Operating System
Types of Operating Systems
File System
2. RHEL 7 Graphical Installation
3. Basic Commands
Creating,removing,copying,moving,reading files and
4. VIM Editor
5. Links, Regular Expressions,Pipelines and I/O
6. Filters
Sed,grep, less,more, sort,cut etc.
7. File Permissions
Permissions to Owner,Group,others with read,write,execute
access modes
8. User and Group Administration
Creating users and groups
Adding and Removing members to a group
Access Control List
Sudo Users
9. Network Configuration & Troubleshooting
Configuring IP address,ifconfig,resolving DNS etc
Troubleshooting using top, ping,telnet,netstat etc
10. Booting Process and Run Levels
11. Job Automation using Cron
12. Administrating Remote System
Remote access using ssh
Password-less authentication
Remote file transfer using SCP
13. Software Management
Manage Installed Software using RPM and YUM
Manage Processes and services
14. Backups and Restore
15. Apache Web Server
Installation and Usage
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