JAVA WITH SQL courses provide by Ducat IT Training School

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by ducatittrainingschool staff Last updated Sat, 09-Apr-2022 English

JAVA WITH SQL free videos and free material uploaded by ducatittrainingschool staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction to Java

  • Understanding Requirement: Why Java
  • Why Java is important to the Internet
  • JAVA on LINUX Platform

Introduction to Java Virtual Machine

  • Java Virtual Machine Architecture
  • Class loading process by Classloaders
  • Role of Just in Time Compiler (JIT)
  • Execution Engine

An Overview of Java And Buzzwords

  • Data Types, Variables ad Arrays
  • Operators
  • Control statements
  • Object oriented Paradigms
  • Abstraction
  • The Three OOP Principles (Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism)

Java Classes and OOP Implementation 

  • Class Fundamentals
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Learning static initializer
  • Declaration on of Objects
  • Instance Variable Hiding
  • Overloading and Overriding of Methods
  • Understanding of Access Controls:
  • Private, Public and Protected
  • Learning Nested and Inner Classes
  • Dynamic method Dispatching
  • Using Abstract Classes
  • Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance
  • Garbage Collection

Packages and Interfaces

  • Defining a Package
  • Understanding CLASSPATH
  • Access Protection
  • Importing Packages
  • Defining and implementing an Interface
  • Abstract classes Vs Interfaces
  • Genrics
  • Annotations
  • Vargs
  • For Each

Introduction to Array

  • Single dimension array
  • Multi dimension array

Exception Handling

  • Fundamentals of exception on handling
  • Types of exceptions
  • Learning exception handlers
  • Try and catch
  • Multiple catch clauses
  • Nested try statements
  • Throw, throws and finally
  • Custom Exception

String Handling

  • Learning String Operations
  • Learning Character Extraction
  • Learning String Comparison
  • Understanding of String Buffer Class & String Builder Class

Multithreaded Programming

  • The Java Thread Model
  • Creating a Thread: Extending Thread, Implementing Runnable
  • Creating Multiple Threads and Context Switching
  • Synchronization: Methods and Statement
  • Interthread Communication

Managing Input and Output in Java

  • Introduction to I/O streams
  • File Handling
  • Binary Streams
  • Character Streams
  • Data Streams
  • Serialization


  • Introduction to Networking
  • URL, InetAddress
  • Socket and Server Socket
  • Datagram Socket

Collection API

  • Collection Overview
  • The Collection Interfaces (List, Set, SortedSet)
  • The Collection Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet)t
  • Accessing a Collection via an Iterator
  • Working with Maps


Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to J2EE Architecture
  • Tier Architecture
  • Single Tier
  • Two Tier
  • Three Tier
  • N Tier

J2EE Components

  • Web Components
  • Business Components

J2EE Containers

  • Container Types
  • Container Services


  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Statements
  • Metadata
  • Scrollable & Updatable ResultSet
  • Batch Updates

Java Servlet

  • Introduction to Web
  • Programming
  • Advantages of Servlets
  • Servlet Lifecycle
  • Packing and Deployment
  • Session Tracking
  • Request Dispatching

Project Work

Java Server Pages (JSP)

  • JSP Architecture
  • JSP Elements
  • JSP Objects
  • Custom Tags


  • XMLHTTP Request
  • Ready State
  • Onreadystate Change
  • ResponseText
  • ResponseXML
  • Status


  • Jquery with Ajax
  • Jquery Event
  • Jquery Selectors
  • JSON


  • Distributed Applications
  • RMI Architecture
  • Implementation

Java Mail API


  • My Eclipse
  • Net Beans

Web Server

  • Apache Tomcat

Application Server

  • Bea's Web logic

Introduction to Framework

  • Spring
  • Hibernate

Introduction to SQL

Introduction to Oracle Database

  • List the features of Oracle Database 12c
  • Discuss the basic design of Database
  • Categorize the different types of SQL statements
  • Describe the data set used by the course
  • Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment
  • Save queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer

Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement

  • List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
  • Select Table Data With All Columns
  • Select Table Data With Specific Columns
  • Use Arithmetic Operators
  • Use Concatenation Operators
  • Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure

Learn to Restrict and Sort Data

  • Use WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
  • List the comparison operators and logical operators
  • Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators
  • Use character string literals in the WHERE clause
  • Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort Data
  • SQL Row Limiting Clause (Fitch First,Offset and With Ties)

Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

  • Differences between single row and multiple row functions
  • Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses?
  • Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
  • Perform arithmetic with date data
  • Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
  • Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
  • Nest multiple functions
  • Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
  • Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement

Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions

  • Use the aggregation functions to produce meaningful reports
  • Divide the retrieved data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause
  • Exclude groups of data by using the HAVING clause

Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins

  • Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table?
  • View data that does not meet join condition by using outer joins
  • Join a table to itself by using a self-join

Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries

  • Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
  • Define sub-queries
  • List the types of sub-queries
  • Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries
  • Co-related Subquery

The SET Operators

  • Describe the SET operators
  • UNION and UNION ALL to Combine Result of Multiple Queries
  • Use of INTERSECT
  • Use of MINUS
  • Control the order of rows returned

Data Manipulation Statements

  • Describe each DML statement
  • Insert rows into a table
  • Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement
  • Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement
  • Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
  • Explain read consistency

Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

  • Create a simple table
  • Alter and Truncate Table
  • Drop Table and Concept of Recyclebin
  • Stop Entry of Invalid Data Through CONSTRAINTS
  • Primary Key , Foreign Key
  • Not Null , Unique and Check Constraints

Other Schema Objects

  • Create a simple and complex view
  • Retrieve data from views
  • Create, maintain, and use sequences
  • Create and maintain indexes
  • Create private and public synonyms

Load Data From External Source

  • SQL Loader

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