PHP Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
PHP free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Web Architecture
Overview of PHP Platform
Introduction To HTML
Introduction To Doctype
Structure Of HTML
Basic Tags
Attributes & VALUES
Comments , Header Tags
Font tag
Image tag
Link Tags
Text Linking
Image Linking
Marquee Tag
Order List
Unorder List
Definition List
Table Tag
Form tags
Frame Tag
Audio, Video tags
About Iframe tag
Embedding of Google Maps , You tube videos into our web page
HTML 5 New Form Attributes
Placeholder Attribute
Require,Pattern,Auto focus Attribute
email , tel, url types
number type,date type,range type
Types of CSS -- Inline/ External/ Internal
About CSS Selectors
About CSS Properties
Background Properties
Box Properties
Border Properties
Positioning Properties
CSS Menu Design (Horizontal, Vertical,Popup)
Introduction JavaScript
Types of statements
Variable declaration
What is an operator?
Types of operators
Conditional statements
Introduction to loops
For loop examples
While loop examples
Difference b/w while and do while loops
Parameterized functions
Non-parameterized functions
Difference b/w parameterized and non-parameterized functions
Introduction to objects
What is property and method
String object
Math object
Date object
Array object
Window object
Discuss dropdown menu practically
Intro to Server-Side scripting Languages (Dynamic Website)
How client and server communicate with each other
Installation of Apache and mysql
Apache configuration (php.ini)
PHP Scripting Fundamentals
Advance and disadvantage of PHP
Different php Version
Variables, Data Types & Expressions
Operators in PHP
Looping & Conditional Constructs
In-Built Functions (String function, Math & Date)
Arrays function and In-Built Functions
File function and directory function
User-Defined Functions
Error Handling
Email function
Session & Cookie Management
Using GET,POST Methods
Building forms
Single-page form processing
Validating form values
Saving form data in Database
File Uploading
File Downloading
Mail Function (Text / HTML Mail)
Server variables
Overview of Directory & File Processing
Functions of File Component
File Uploads & Downloads
Image upload in database
Intro to Mail Processing
How to send mail using feedback form or quick contact form
Session & Cookie Management
PHP Functions for Managing Sessions
Adding paginated concept
What is class
What is an object
What is constructor
What is property
What is method
What is access specifiers
Method overloading
Method overriding
Parameterized and non-parameterized constructors
oops examples
Intro to MySQL Server
Overview of PHPMyAdmin Tool
Database Creation
MySQL Tables & Data Types
Database Connections
PHP Functions Specific to MySQL
SQL Statements & Joins
All about Record set
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose server side scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
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