Plant Cell Bioprocessing

Plant Cell Bioprocessing training provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by IIT Madras Staff Last updated Sun, 27-Feb-2022 English

Plant Cell Bioprocessing free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Week 1: Introduction to plant cells
Week 2: In vitro forms of plant tissue cultures for commercial applications;Culture initiation
Week 3: Somatic embryogenesis and culture preservation;Secondary metabolism in plant cells: Its role and commercial applications
Week 4: Secondary metabolism in plant cells (contd.) Strategies to enhance yield and productivity of plant secondary metabolites in in vitro cell/tissue cultures
Week 5: Strategies to enhance yield and productivity of plant secondary metabolites in in vitro cell/tissue cultures (contd.) Biotransformation and Immobilization of plant cell cultures
Week 6: Genetic transformations in plant cells
Week 7: Scale-up considerations in plant cell/tissue cultures

 Week 8: Case studies on in vitro production of high-value plant secondary metabolites for commercial applications: A combinatorial/integrated approach for synergistic effect on production rates.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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This is a course designed primarily for students in the undergraduate or master’s programs interested in bioprocess development for production of high value products from plant cells and tissue cultures. This course is expected to introduce the student to identify the industrial applications of Plant Cell/Tissue Culture Technology. The student will be able to develop plant cell/tissue culture based bioprocesses for large scale in vitro production of high value phytochemicals. Strategies that can be utilized to improve yield and productivity of phytochemicals from plant cell/tissue cultures with case studies will be discussed.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Researchers and students in the area of Plant Biotechnology, Biochemical/Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology.PREREQUISITES : Basic knowledge of Fermentation Technology, Basics in plant cell and tissue culture, plant biotechnologyINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Himalaya Pvt. Ltd., Reliance life sciences, Dabur

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