Thermal Engineering-II Videos, PPTs, lecture notes, assignments, question papers, essays
Thermal Engineering II free videos and free material uploaded by Upendra Kumar Malla .
Course objectives:
This course is intended to provide basic knowledge of components being used in steam and gas power plant cycles and to analyse the energy transfers and transformations in these components including individual performance evaluation.
Course outcomes:
After undergoing this course the student is expected to understand the working of steam and gas power plant cycles and also should be able to analyze and evaluate the performance of individual components. The student also should be in a position to understand basic principles of Jet propulsion and rocket engineering.
BASIC CONCEPTS: Rankine cycle - schematic layout, thermodynamic analysis, concept of mean temperature of heat addition, methods to improve cycle performance – regeneration & reheating. combustion: fuels and combustion, concepts of heat of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, Stoichiometry, flue gas analysis.
BOILERS : Classification – working principles of L.P & H.P boilers with sketches – mountings and accessories – working principles, boiler horse power, equivalent evaporation, efficiency and heat balance – draught, classification – height of chimney for given draught and discharge, condition for maximum discharge, efficiency of chimney – artificial draught, induced and forced.
STEAM NOZZLES: Function of a nozzle – applications - types, flow through nozzles, thermodynamic analysis – assumptions -velocity of fluid at nozzle exit-Ideal and actual expansion in a nozzle, velocity coefficient, condition for maximum discharge, critical pressure ratio, criteria to decide nozzle shape: Super saturated flow, its effects, degree of super saturation and degree of under cooling - Wilson line.
STEAM TURBINES: Classification – impulse turbine; mechanical details – velocity diagram – effect of friction – power developed, axial thrust, blade or diagram efficiency – condition for maximum efficiency. De-laval turbine - methods to reduce rotor speed-velocity compounding, pressure compounding and velocity & pressure compounding, velocity and pressure variation along the flow – combined velocity diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine, condition for maximum efficiency
REACTION TURBINE: Mechanical details – principle of operation, thermodynamic analysis of a stage, degree of reaction –velocity diagram – Parson’s reaction turbine – condition for maximum efficiency – calculation of blade height.
STEAM CONDENSERS: Requirements of steam condensing plant – classification of condensers – working principle of different types – vacuum efficiency and condenser efficiency – air leakage, sources and its affects, air pump- cooling water requirement.
GAS TURBINES: Simple gas turbine plant – ideal cycle, essential components – parameters of performance – actual cycle – regeneration, inter cooling and reheating –closed and semi-closed cycles – merits and demerits, types of combustion chambers.
JET PROPULSION : Principle of operation –classification of jet propulsive engines – working principles with schematic diagrams and representation on t-s diagram - thrust, thrust power and propulsion efficiency – turbo jet engines – needs and demands met by turbo jet – schematic diagram, thermodynamic cycle, performance evaluation, thrust augmentation – methods.
Rockets : Application – working principle – classification – propellant type – thrust, propulsive efficiency – specific impulse – solid and liquid propellant rocket engines.
Text Books:
1. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines/R.Yadav, Volume -II /Central Publishing House
2. Gas Turbines /V.Ganesan /TMH
3. Heat Engineering /V.P Vasandani and D.S Kumar/Metropolitan Book Company, New Delhi
1. Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems /P.Khajuria & S.P.Dubey /Dhanpatrai
2. Gas Turbines / Cohen, Rogers and Saravana Muttoo / Addison Wesley – Longman
3. Thermal Engineering-R.S Khurmi, &J S Gupta/S.Chand.
4. Thermal Engineering-P.L.Bellaney/ Khanna publishers.
5. Thermal Engineering-M.L.Marthur & Mehta/Jain bros. Publishers
6. Thermal Engineering / RK Rajput/ Lakshmi Publications
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