VLSI SoC Design using Verilog HDL Training Provided by Maven Silicon Softech Pvt Ltd Training Institute in Bangalore
VLSI SoC Design using Verilog HDL free videos and free material uploaded by Maven Silicon Softech Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff .
1:VLSI Introduction
Lecture 1Why VLSI ?
Lecture 2Semiconductor Industry
2:SoC Design
Lecture 3Smart Phone SoC
Lecture 4System On Chip Design
Architecture and Methodology
Lecture 5ASIC Vs FPGA
4:VLSI Design Flow
Lecture 6VLSI Front-End Design
Flow Part I
Lecture 7VLSI Front-End Design
Flow Part II
Lecture 8VLSI Back-End Design Flow
5:Knowledge Check
Quiz 1Knowledge Check - VLSI SoC
6:Verilog HDL
Lecture 9Setting Expectations -
Course Agenda
Lecture 10Introduction to Verilog
Quiz 2Knowledge Check -
Introduction to Verilog HDL
7:Data Types
Lecture 11Data Types
Quiz 3Knowledge Check - Data Types
8:Verilog Operators
Lecture 12Verilog Operators
Quiz 4Knowledge Check - Verilog
9:Advanced Verilog for Verification
Lecture 13Advance Verilog for
Quiz 5Knowledge Check - Advanced
Verilog for Verification
Lecture 14Assignments
Quiz 6Knowledge Check -
11:Structured Procedures
Lecture 15Structured Procedures
Quiz 7Knowledge Check - Structured
12:Synthesis Coding Style
Lecture 16Synthesis Coding Style
Quiz 8Knowledge Check - Synthesis
Coding Style
13:Finite State Machine
Lecture 17Finite State Machine
Quiz 9Knowledge Check - Finite
State Machine
14:Summary - Verilog HDL
Lecture 18Summary
15:Reference Material
Lecture 19Verilog HDL Reference
16:Verilog Labs
Lecture 20Instructions - Verilog
Lecture 21Verilog Lab Manual
Lecture 22Download the Verilog
Labs Folder
Lecture 23EDA Tools - Installation
Lecture 24EDA Tools - User Guide
Lecture 25Solution to Lab 1
Lecture 26Solution to Lab 2
Lecture 27Solution to Lab 3
Lecture 28Solution to Lab 4
Lecture 29Solution to Lab 5
Lecture 30Solution to Lab 6
Lecture 31Solutions - Verilog Labs
This VLSI SoC Design Course using Verilog HDL is specially
designed for Pre-final and final year Electronics / Electrical Engineering
students to learn and strengthen the knowledge on chip design process. This
course explains VLSI Technology, SoC Architecture and Design process, coding
for synthesis and simulation. It explains the concept of hardware description
language and basic concepts like data types and operators. Then it explains
advanced concepts like assignments, procedural blocks, synthesis coding style
and testbench coding.
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