WORDPRESS TRAINING by Reinvent Techno Labs Training Institute Jaipur
WORDPRESS TRAINING free videos and free material uploaded by Reinvent Techno Labs Training Institute staff .
Features of WordPress
WordPress installation
Permalinks for wordpress clean url ,Creating simple content : Page and Post
Concept of Post Type And Taxonomy
Basics of WordPress
Theme files introduction
Template tags and Page Template
Creating custom widgets area
Folder Structure.
WordPress Settings
WordPress – General Setting
WordPress – Writing Setting
WordPress – Reading Setting
WordPress – Discussion Setting
WordPress – Media Setting
WordPress – Permalink Setting
WordPress – Plugin Setting
Create Custom Content/Post Type and display it’s Data
WordPress database tables introduction
Creating Custom Post Type ‘products’ and Taxonomy ‘product category’
WordPress Theme Development
Creating New theme
Creating index.php file
Creating internal pages page.php ,single.php.
WordPress Customization
HOOKS ( action and filter ).
Conversion Of Template.
Create admin menu.
Creating add page to insert data on custom table.
Upload image WordPress way.
Moving wp website from local host to live server.
Working With Contact Form.
Database Connectivity
Creating add page to insert data on custom table.
Reinvent Techno Labs provide WordPress training in Jaipur as well as other IT courses.WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which allows the users to build dynamic websites and blog. WordPress is the most popular blogging system on the web and allows updating, customizing and managing the website from its back-end CMS and components. This tutorial will teach you the basics of WordPress using which you can create websites with ease. The tutorial is divided into various sections for convenience. Each of these sections contain related topics with screenshots explaining the WordPress admin screens.
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