BCOLA-138 Business Communication by IGNOU
BCOLA 138 Business Communication free videos and free material uploaded by IGNOU Staff .
Week 1
Unit-1 An Intro to Communication
Unit-2 Types of Communication - Verbal
Week 2
Unit-2 Types of Communication - Non-verbal
Unit-3 Business Communication
Week 3
Unit-4 Purpose of Business Communication
Unit-5 Channels of Communication
Week 4
Unit-6 Principles of Letter Writing
Unit-6 Principles of Letter Writing
Week 5
Unit-7 Business Correspondence-I
Unit-7 Business Correspondence-I
Week 6
Unit-8 Business Correspondence-II
Unit-9 Meetings-I
Week 7
Unit-10 Meetings-II
Unit-11 Business Reports
Week 8
Unit-11 Business Reports
Unit-12 Process of Writing a Report
Week 9
Unit-12 Process of Writing a Report
Unit-12 Process of Writing a Report
Week 10
Unit-13 Precis Writing
Unit-14 Some Business Terms-I
Unit-15 Some Business Terms-II
Week 11
Unit-16 Words Often Confused
Unit-17 Words Often Misspelt
Week 12
Unit-18 Voice Mail, Video Conferencing and Conference Calls
Unit-19 Preparing for Job Market
Communication is the lifeline of any business organization; it is beyond imagination that a business firm can survive without an effective communication network in this age of fierce competition. And when we talk about the business communication so many questions come to mind; it is verbal or non-verbal; if it is verbal, it is oral or written; if it is oral, what are the barriers and how can they be overcome? If it is written, how can or should a business letter be written in an attractive manner? Meetings constitute a necessary activity in a business organization. When we talk about the meetings, one should try to understand the related aspects, such as agenda, quorum, voting, proxy, minutes, etc. Some words are commonly used in the business jargon although people working in other fields may not be familiar with them. After completing studies, one explores the job market. It is necessary to know the correct way of writing an application letter and preparing the curriculum vitae. You will study all these things in detail in this course, BCOLA-Business Communication.
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