Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business

Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business Training Provided by Delft University of Technology

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Delft University of Technology Staff Last updated Mon, 14-Mar-2022 English

Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business free videos and free material uploaded by Delft University of Technology Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Week 1:

1. Challenges and Opportunities of big data

1.1 Big data in the digitalized knowledge economy

1.2 Are firms ready for big data?

1.3 The machine learning revolution

Week 2:

2. Stakeholders and Sectors

2.1 Stakeholders: Private or public goals

2.2 Sectors: Disruptive or incremental changes induced by big data

2.3 Assignment Part A

Week 3:

3. Big data upending strategy and innovation

3.1 Conventional wisdom on strategy and innovation

3.2 Wisdom considering the disruptive power of big data

3.3 Assignment Part B

Week 4:

4. Transforming building blocks of the business model canvas

4.1 What does big data mean for the different building blocks of the business model canvas?

4.2 Examples

4.3 Assignment Part C

Week 5:

5. Transforming the organization: CIO, CDO or CEO in the lead?

5.1 What does big data mean for the organization of your company?

5.2 Who leads the way?

5.3 Examples

5.4 Assignment Part D

Week 6:

6. Wrapping up

6.1 Ready for big data

6.2 Feedback

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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While big data infiltrates all walks of life, most firms have not changed sufficiently to meet the challenges that come with it. In this course, you will learn how to develop a big data strategy, transform your business model and your organization.

This course will enable professionals to take their organization and their own career to the next level, regardless of their background and position.

Professionals will learn how to be in charge of big data instead of being subject to it. In particular, they will become familiar with tools to:

        assess their current situation regarding potential big data-induced changes of a disruptive nature,

        identify their options for successfully integrating big data in their strategy, business model and organization, or if not possible, how to exit quickly with as little loss as possible, and

        strengthen their own position and that of their organization in our digitalized knowledge economy

        The course will build on the concepts of product life cycles, the business model canvas, organizational theory and digitalized management jobs (such as Chief Digital Officer or Chief Informatics Officer) to help you find the best way to deal with and benefit from big data induced changes.

        During the course, your most pressing questions will be answered in our feedback videos with the lecturer. In the assignments of the course, you will choose a sector and a stakeholder. For this, you will develop your own strategy and business model. This will help you identify the appropriate organizational structure and potential contributions and positions for yourself.

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