Applied Econometrics in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Applied Econometrics free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). This session contains about Applied Econometrics Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week-1 : Sampling Fundamentals
Week-2 : Descriptive Statistics: Mathematical Distributions
Week-3 : Statistical Inferences
Week-4 : Review of Least Square and Linear Model
Week-5 : Probit, Logit & 2SLS
Week-6 : Review of Instrumental Variable
Week-7 : Introduction to Nonparametrics
Week-8 : Regression & Matching
Week-9 : Regression Discontinuity Design
Week-10 : Difference in Difference
Week-11 : Estimation of Treatment EffectWeek-12 : Introduction to Data Mining (for High Dimensional Data)
Unique value added by this present course is that it will teach the students from data collection to conclusion of a study using econometric techniques. Second, it will delve deep into experiments in the field of Economics. Experimental Economics is a thriving area in the field of Economics.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Management, Humanities, Economics, Industrial EngineeringPREREQUISITES : Higher Secondary Level Mathematics KnowledgeINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Banking, Policy making/ Development Organization, Consulting Firms
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