Linear System Theory tarining provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Linear System Theory free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, chennai (IIT chennai). This session contains about Linear System Theory Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1: Introduction to Linear systems with Examples
Week 2: Math Preliminaries I - Vector Spaces, Bases, Coordinate Transformation, Invariant Subspaces, Inner product, Norms
Week 3: Math Preliminaries II - Rank, Types of Matrices, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Diagonalization, Matrix Factorization
Week 4: State Transition Matrix, Solutions to LTI Systems, Solutions to LTV Systems
Week 5: Equilibrium points, Linearization, Types of Linearization with Examples
Week 6: Stability, Types of Stability, Lyapunov Equation
Week 7: Controllability, Reachability, Stabilizability, Tests, Controllable and Reachable Subspaces, Grammians, Controllable Decomposition
Week 8: Observability, Constructibility, Detectability, Tests, Subspaces, Grammians, State Estimation, Observable Decomposition
Week 9: Kalman Decomposition, Pole Placement, Controller Design
Week 10: Observer Design, Duality, Minimal Realization
Week 11: Basics of Optimal Control, LQR, Ricatti Equation
Week 12: LMIs in Control Thanks to the support from MathWorks, enrolled students have access to MATLAB for the duration of the course.
This course will provide a thorough introduction to the theory of Linear Systems with emphasis on Control related concepts. First, mathematical models describing the fundamental properties that govern the behavior of systems will be developed. We will cover time invariant, time varying, continuous and discrete time systems. This course will cover concepts of stability, controllability, observability, design and serve as necessary foundation for further study in the area of systems and control. INTENDED AUDIENCE: Graduate Students from Electrical/ Mechanical/ Aerospace / Chemical Engineering PREREQUISITES: 1) Linear Algebra 2) Differential Equations 3) Control Systems Engineering
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