Satellite Attitude Dynamics and Control in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Satellite Attitude Dynamics and Control free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). This session contains about Satellite Attitude Dynamics and Control Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1: Attitude Kinematics
Week 2: Attitude Kinematics
Week 3: Attitude Dynamics
Week 4: Attitude Dynamics
Week 5: Stability of Torque Free Rotation
Week 6: Gravity Gradient Modeling and Stabilization
Week 7: Spin Stabilized Satellite
Week 8: Satellite Attitude Control using Reaction wheels and Control Moment Gyros
Week 9: Satellite Attitude Control using Reaction wheels and Control Moment Gyros
Week 10: Attitude Stabilization using Magnetic Torquer and Lorentz Force
Week 11: Attitude Cotrol using Thrusters
Week 12: Attitude Control using Solar Sails
About the Course:This course first introduces the rotational kinematics which is essential for implementing the satellite attitude control. This is followed by comprehensive introduction to the subject matters of satellite/rigid body rotational dynamics. Finally, the attitude control of satellites using reaction wheels, control moment gyros, magnetic/Lorentz force actuators, and thrusters are introduced.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Aerospace, Mechanical, ElectricalPRE-REQUISITES: Linear Control Systems/ Basic MechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: ISRO/DRDO
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