EFFECTS OF OVER VOLTAGES ON POWER SYSTEMS in power system protection uploaded by Gust M uploaded in Engineering Study material at lecturenotes.net
voltage tends to stress the insulation of the electrical equipment’s and likely
to cause damage to them when it frequently occurs. Over voltage caused by
surges can result in spark over and flash over between phase and ground at the
weakest point in the network, breakdown of gaseous/solid/ liquid insulation,
failure of transformers and rotating machines.
Overvoltage Protection
are always a chance of suffering an electrical power system from abnormal over
voltages. These abnormal over voltages may be caused due to various reason such
as, sudden interruption of heavy load, lightening impulses, switching impulses
etc. These over voltage stresses may damage insulation of various equipments
and insulators of the power system. Although, all the over voltage stresses are
not strong enough to damage insulation of system, but still these over voltages
also to be avoided to ensure the smooth operation of electrical power system.
all types of destructive and non destructive abnormal over voltages are
eliminated from the system by means of overvoltage protection.
Voltage Surge
over voltage stresses applied upon the power system, are generally transient in
nature. Transient voltage or voltage surge is defined as sudden sizing of
voltage to a high peak in very short duration.The voltage surges are transient
in nature, that means they exist for very short duration. The main cause of
these voltage surges in power system are due to lightning impulses and
switching impulses of the system. But over voltage in the power system may also
be caused by, insulation failure, arcing ground and resonance etc.
voltage surges appear in the electrical power system due to switching surge,
insulation failure, arcing ground and resonance are not very large in
magnitude. These over voltages hardly cross the twice of the normal voltage
level. Generally, proper insulation to the different equipment of power system
is sufficient to prevent any damage due to these over voltages. But over
voltages occur in the power system due to lightning is very high. If over
voltage protection is not provided to the power system, there may be high
chance of severe damage. Hence all over voltage protection devices used in
power system mainly due to lightning surges.
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