Calibration of Galvanometer

Calibration of Galvanometer

The calibration of the galvanometer is the process of determining its constant value by the help of the practical experiments. The following are the methods used for determining the constant of the ballistic galvanometer.

Using a Capacitor

The charging and discharging of the capacitor gives the values of the ballistic galvanometer constant. The circuit arrangement for the calibration of a ballistic galvanometer using the capacitor is shown in the figure below.

The circuit uses two pole switch S and the unknown EMF source E. When the switch S connects to terminal 2 then the capacitor becomes charged. Similarly, when the switch connects to terminal 1, then the capacitor becomes discharges through the resistor R, connected in series with the ballistic galvanometer.

The discharge current of the capacitor deflects the coil of ballistic galvanometer through an angle θ. The formula calculates constant of the galvanometer.

Uploaded Sun, 24-Jan-2021
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