Closed loop control system

A closed loop control system is a system where the output has an effect upon the input quantity in such a manner as to maintain the desired output value.

An open loop control system becomes a closed loop control system by including a feedback. This feedback will automatically correct the change in output due to disturbances. This is why a closed loop control system is called as an automatic control system. The block diagram of a closed loop control system is shown in figure. 

In a closed loop control system, the controlled variable (output) of the system is sensed at every instant of time, feedback and compared with the desired input resulting in an error signal. This error signal directs the control elements in the system to do the necessary corrective action such that the output of the system is obtained as desired. 

The feedback control system takes into account the disturbances also and makes the corrective action. These control systems are accurate, stable and less affected by noise. But these control systems are sophisticated and hence costly. They are also complicated to design for stability, give oscillatory response and feedback brings down the overall gain of the control system.

Uploaded Sat, 16-Jan-2021
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