
Java Training Provided by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute in Pune

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff Last updated Tue, 22-Mar-2022 English

Java free videos and free material uploaded by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Basic Foundation Course​

1. Programming Basics

Fundamentals of Computer

Understanding Applications

Using Windows Explorer & File Structure

Number Systems

Application Software

2. Operating System & Networking

Need for operating system

Functions of Operating System

Process Management

Memory Management

File Management

Device Management

Types of operating system

TCP/IP fundamentals

Networks and computer networks

2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture

3. C Language

Introduction to C

Keywords, Constants and Variables

Data Types in C

Operator and Expressions

Control Structure





String Handling

Preprocessor Directives

File Management in C

Dynamic Memory Allocation

4. Object Oriented Concepts using C++

Introduction to OOPs

Beginning with C++

Class, Objects Basics

Constructor, Data Members

Operator Overloading




5. Linux Foundations

Introduction to UNIX and its flavours

UNIX architecture

File System

User and Group Policies

Unix general commands

Concept of Files and Directories in Unix

File Permission and related commands

Filter Commands and their options

Vi Editor

6. Introduction to Database Management Systems

Introduction to Database



Data types

SELECT Statement

Restricting and Sorting Data

Aggregating Data using Group Functions

Manipulating Data

Sub queries

Important Functions

Joins and different types

Front End Technologies​


Introduction and Basic Structure of HTML

Basics, Elements, Attributes

Paragraphs and Formatting

HTML Skeleton, Links, Images

HTML Tables, Blocks

HTML Lists, Quick List

HTML Blocks

HTML Layouts & Forms, IFrames

HTML Colors

HTML5 Intro

HTML5 Video &HTML5 Audio

HTML5 Input Types

HTML5 Form Attributes

2. CSS



Id & Class


Text and Fonts

Links and Lists

Box Model

Advanced Topics

Dimensions, Display

Positioning, Floating


CSS3 Borders

CSS3 Backgrounds

CSS3 Text Effects

CSS3 Fonts

3. JavaScript & JQuery



Statements & Comments


Operators and Comparisons

Conditional Statements and Loops

User Defined Functions

JS Objects

JS Validations



JQuery Syntax

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Events

jQuery Effects

jQuery Hide/Show

jQuery Fade

jQuery Slide

jQuery Stop()

jQuery callback

jQuery HTML

jQuery Get/Set

jQuery Add/Remove

jQuery CSS Classes

4. Bootstrap

What is Bootstrap and its Setup

How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap

Grid Classes

Basic Tags in Bootstrap

Contextual colors and backgrounds

Table in Bootstrap

Bootstrap Basic Tables

Striped Rows, Hover Rows

Bordered Table, Condensed Table

Contextual Classes

Responsive Tables

Navigation bar in Bootstrap

Inverted Navigation Bar

Fixed Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar with Dropdown

Right-aligned Navigation Bar

Collapsing the Navigation Bar

Form in Bootstrap

Vertical Form

Horizontal Form

Inline Form

Buttons in Bootstrap

Button Styles

Button Sizes

Block Level Buttons

Active/Disabled Buttons

Images in Bootstrap

Rounded Corners Image

Circle Image

Thumbnail Image

Java - Back End Technologies

Core Java

1.Introduction to Java

History of Java

Features of Java

2.Overview of Java

OOP’s Concept

Data types and Variables

Control Structures

Strings, Arrays

3.Objects and Classes

Object, Classes and Methods

Method Overloading


Object class


Types of Inheritance

Method Overriding

Dynamic method dispatch

5.Packages and Interfaces

Defining Packages

Extending Interfaces

6.Exception Handling

Fundamentals of Exception Handling

Exception types

Try and Catch and finally

Throw, throws

Custom Exception

7.Inner Class and Wrapper classes

Inner Classes

Static Nested Classes

Wrapper Classes

Anonymous Inner Classes

8.String Handling

Creating Strings

String handling methods

String Buffer and String Builder

9.Input and Output in Java

Byte streams & Character streams



10.Collections Framework

Collection Interfaces and Classes




Basics of java thread

The Thread Scheduler

Naming a thread, Daemon thread

Perform single /multiple tasks by multiple threads

Major Thread Concepts

Garbage Collection

12.Reflection API

Overview of Reflection

Use of newInstance() method and determining the class Object

Accessing a private method or member from outside the class

13.Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

Use primitive versions of functional Interface

java.util.function package

Use binary versions of functional Interface

Use the UnaryOperator Interface

Java J2EE


Common JDBC components

Steps to connect to the database using MySQL and Oracle database

Types of JDBC statements – statements, preparedStatement, and callable statement

Transactions management in JDBC

CRUD operation using preparedStatement

Calling Stored procedure using callable statement

How Result Set Works in JDBC


Servlet – environment setup

ServletConfig and ServletContext parameters

Servlet life cycle

Servlet Attribute And Servlet Parameters

Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)

Session Tracking In Servlet

Servlet Filter

Types Of Filter

Servlet Filter Mapping In Web.Xml


Various Servlet Listener

Servlet Listener Configuration


Details about MVC architecture

Practical exposure on MVC using JSP and Servlet

3.JSP 2.X

JSP – Overview

JSP – Life Cycle


SP-Scripting Elements

JSP- Directive Elements

Types Of JSP Scopes

JSP – Custom Tags

JSP-Implicit Objects

JSP – Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

JSP – Expression Language (EL)

JSP – Exception Handling


Introduction To Spring Framework

Spring-Environment Setup

Steps To Use Spring Framework In Applications

Understanding IOC And Dependency Injection

Working with Bean Factory and Application Context

Bean Definition

Working with multiple configuration files

Most popular namespaces e.g. beans,

Best practices when working with namespaces

Advanced XML Dependency Injection

Externalizing constant values into properties files

Working with a high number of configuration files

Bean Scopes and Bean Life Cycle

Bean Post Processors

Bean Definition Inheritance

Dependency Injection

Injecting Inner Beans

Injecting Collection Type

Annotation-Based Dependency Injection

Autowiring and component scanning

Annotation Based Configuration(@Required,


JSR-250 Annotations(@Resource,@PostConstruct


Component and Stereotype Annotations

Using MessageSource To Get Text From Property Files

2.Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring

Introduction on Spring AOP

Aspect-oriented programming concepts

Integration with Spring IoC

Defining pointcut expressions

Implementing an advice: @Around, @Before, @After, and so on

AspectJ APIs and annotations

3.Data Access and JDBC with Spring

Introduction to Spring JDBC

How Spring integrates with existing data access technologies

Spring JDBC APIs

Spring JDBC development

Data Access Exception hierarchy

Result transformations

Implementing Row Mapper

Parameter mapping

Named Parameter JDBC Template

4.Transactions management in Spring

Spring Declarative Transactions Management

Spring Programmatic transaction management

5.Hibernate with Spring

6.Working with Spring MVC

Introduction to Spring MVC framework

Creating many Spring MVC Web Applications

Writing an annotation-based controller class-@Controller,@RequestMapping

@PathVariable annotation

Handling an HTML form using @RequestParam annotation

Understanding @ModelAttribute Annotation

Data Binding with Date, Collection

Data Binding with a User-Defined Type, BindingResult

@InitBinder annotation, WebDataBinder, CustomDateEditor

Writing your own custom property editor class

Form Validations

Form Validation (customizing error

messages using Spring MessageSource)


Overview of Hibernate

Hibernate-environment setup

Object-relational mapping (ORM)

Features of Hibernate

Using JPA and Hibernate annotations

Hibernate object states(Transient, Persistent and Detached Objects)

CRUD operation in Hibernate


Hibernate Mapping XML Configuration

Hibernate Caching

Transactions management in Hibernate

BLOB Object

Soft Skills

1. Self Analysis

Know yourself

Personality types

Areas of interest

2. Self Discovery

SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats

3. Goal Setting

Short-term plan

Long-term plan

Effective Time-management

4. Effective Self Presentation

Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene

5. Effective Communication

Verbal – Language

Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch

Clarity of Speech

Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening

Written communication – general business correspondence

6. Email Etiquette

7. Body Language

Understanding non-verbal communication

Postures, Gestures, Eye contact

8. Tips to prepare impressive Resume

9. Tips for Group Discussion

10. Handling Telephonic interview

11. Mock – Technical interview

12. Mock – Personal Interview (PI)

13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms


1. Quantitative Aptitude

Number Systems



Profit, Loss, and Discount

Interest (Simple and Compound)

Speed, Time and Distance

Ratio and Proportion


Permutation & Combination

Time and Work

Heights and Distances

2. Logical Reasoning

Number and Letter Series



Logical Sequence

Blood Relations

3. Algebra

Linear Equations

Quadratic Equations

Higher Degree Equations

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Java Classes in Pune – Java has been introduced by James Gosling in 1991 for Sun Microsystems. The purpose of Java is to write a program that can be reusable and run on multiple operating systems. Over the period of time, new and enhanced versions of Java have been released, and currently, Java 1.9 is getting used, which is also known as Java 9.

3RI Technologies is offering Java Course in the category Java Classes in Pune, Java Training in Pune, Java Training Institute in Pune from Industry experienced trainer who knows the latest features and methodology. We provide real based project experience to students, which helped them a lot in job placements.

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