Advance IOT Training

Advance IOT Training by Techno Scripts Best Embedded System Training Institute Pune

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Created by TechnoScripts Training Institute Last updated Sun, 10-Apr-2022 English

Advance IOT Training free videos and free material uploaded by TechnoScripts Training Institute .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


Linux Concepts

Linux Architecture

Introduction to components of I/O architecture

Objectives of Linux I/O model

Virtual file system

File system services

Accessing the command line (terminal and desktop)

Accessing and using manual pages

Working with the command line and the shell

Piping and redirection

Linux OS

Different Linux commands like cp , mv mount

Introduction to VI editor. VI editor settings

Creating script

Shell variables conditions (if else )

Shell control structures

Shell programs to read command line parameters

Linux lab for shell programming

Autostart Scripts


Python Basics and programming

using python on Raspberry Pi

Data types in python

using variables in python

Casting, string operatins

use of Python Tuples

use of operators in python

python looping in linux

functions used in python

Classes and objects

File handling in python


Getting Started with Arduino

We get you up and running with the Arduino platform. You will install the tools, write and upload your first piece of code to run on a microcontroller.

Arduino Code Language (C Refresher)

In case your C code skills are rusty, this video provides a quick refresher. We also look briefly at the differences between plain C and the Arduino Code Language.

Inputs and App Control

We build a slightly more complex program for a microcontroller. This one feature user inputs via button and a way to control the operation of the microcontroller from an app running on your smartphone.

Arduino Simulation Environment

Is there a way to run microcontroller code without having one at your disposal? In this video, we explore simulation technologies that allow you to build rapid prototypes, giving you greater insight into the working of your code.

Sensors, Signals & Electronics:

Introduction to Open Source platform

An Overview of Open Hardware

Arduino Board Description

Getting started with the Arduino IDE writing your first program on Arduino

Analog Sensor

We begin our exploration of sensors by learning how to read analog signals from them in our microcontroller code. We also look briefly at some issues while using analog sensors.

Basic electronics refresher

A quick overview of all the components you will need as you build your Arduino projects, their usage and functions.

Digital Sensors

Learn to read ambient temperature and humidity from an integrated sensor by talking to it using digital signals. Interfacing of Analog Devices with Digital World

Digital Signals

We delve into the representation of digital signals on the wire and how signals are represented and transmitted between sensors and controller.

Sensors overview

We covered a few sensors in detail in the past videos, but there a wide variety of sensors out there that measure all manner of real world phenomena. This video provides a broad overview of commonly available sensors and sensor modules that play well with the Arduino hardware.

Difference between Parallel and Serial Communication

Communication Protocols

USART / UART Protocol

RS232 Standard

TTL Converter

UART Programming

GSM Interfacing

Basic Networking with nodemcu

Intro to nodemcu

This is the first look at the second of our two microcontroller platforms – the nodemcu. This is a true IoT enabled microcontroller, since it has built in Wi-FI. We jump right in and write our very first program for it and control an LED from the cloud!

Basic Wireless Networking

Time to take a step back and look deeper into how Wi-Fi works. This video teaches you the basics of networking, Wi-Fi architecture and security.

Sensor Log

Here are more advanced exercise using the node mcu. We connect a few sensors to it and build a sort of mini weather station.


Networks allow us to transport data from one point to another. But how is one device controlled by another? This video looks at the client-server architecture and in particularly at HTTP and RESTful interfaces.

Advanced Micro controller Concepts

LED blink using MQTT

In this video, we introduce MQTT, a lightweight yet powerful protocol for messaging. We use it to build an example, which, while similar in functionality to an example we built before, is transparent in terms of its underlying architecture.

Messaging and MQTT

Here, we take a deeper look at messaging and the “pub-sub” pattern. We discuss how it is different from REST and why it is often preferred in the case of IoT devices.

Raspberry pi :

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Introducing the Raspberry Pi

Get up and running with the Raspberry Pi 3. Learn to make the connections, power it up and take a tour of its desktop environment.

Course Objectives and Course Map

Understand the overall plan for this module. We provide a quick overview of what we’ll learn and of the major projects we’ll be doing.

Booting the Raspberry Pi 3

A more fundamental look at booting the Raspberry Pi 3. Understand how to download an operating system, format an SD card and boot the OS. Also, learn the rudiments of the file system.

OS Options Overview

While we’ll use the Raspbian image as the reference for the rest of this course, we spend some time in this video looking at what other OS options are available for the Raspberry Pi, and why you might want to check them out.

Camera Interfacing : Application Imaging, Video Recording,

Interfacing Hardware with the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Remote Access

Learn to operate the Raspberry Pi in “headless mode” by logging into it remotely. We’ll also discuss how to move ata (or files) from your PC to the Raspberry Pi and back.

Bash Command-line

A short primer on Linux terminal commands, or more specifically, a quick tour through the basic command set for the bash shell. Get comfortable operating you Raspberry Pi without needing a GUI interface.

Raspberry Pi LED Blink Example

Time to bring out the electronic components. The Raspberry Pi’s connector allows you extend its functionality using external hardware and in this video, we begin to explore how this is done.

Linux Overview and Device Drivers

High-level operating systems, such as Linux, require the use of a device driver for user programs to access hardware. We look at why this is, what a device driver does, and how to build one.

Google firebase

Connecting device to Google Firebase

Creating real time database in google firebase

Creating Web server using Firebase

HTTP and MQTT On firebase

Appliance control through google assistant

use of Amazon Alexa on Raspberry Pi

Machine-to-Machine Communication

Sensors Integration

We continue the journey we started in video and interface yet more hardware to the Raspberry Pi. We learn how to deal with inputs and digital protocols from within user programs.

Node-red: M2M and Gateway

We expand on the previous example and use it as a basis to discuss machine-to-machine communication, an IoT node vs gateway and related concepts.

Multimedia Concepts

Raspberry Pi Media Server

This video introduces a high-performance application on the Raspberry Pi – a complete content streaming server.

Running Services

Learn about the Linux boot up sequence, run levels, and how to run programs automatically on boot up.

Speech Processing Concepts

Voice Control Application

Explore speech processing on Raspberry Pi. Speech recognition is an important emerging interface for IoT devices and this example introduces the topic.

Voice Control System Architecture

A more detailed look at how the last example was put together. Once again, we look at performance, introduce metrics, and compare with video processing.

Amazon Alexa tool & Google voice assistant:

Raspberry Security Cam

We have covered video playback and speech processing. Now, its time to learn video processing. In this video, we set up our example and demonstrate how it works.

Amazon AWS IOT

We move to IaaS with Amazon’s cloud offering – AWS.

This means creating your own server instance in the cloud, choosing and configuring its OS, and running your service.

AWS IoT core services, AWS Message Brokers

AWS Elastic Compute Cloud ec2 instance, Server deployment in AWS

Case Study on Home Automation

In this first of our case studies, we examine what an ideal home automation system will look like and how it will be organized. We’ll talk about the nodes, the gateway and the cloud services that such a system would need.

Connectivity beyond Wi-Fi

Case Study on Smart City

IoT technology is relevant for more than just consumer goods. This video looks at how we might go about building smart city solutions.


Connectivity at ultra-short ranges can be just as important as those at longer distance when it comes to certain IoT applications. We look at bluetooth and other radio frequency alternatives.

Post completion of the course, you will be able to: 

Develop and implement IoT system, solutions, and applications.

Good understanding of reference architecture, like- Network, Device, Application & Client server vs Public Subscribe.

Design IoT Device – sensors, embedded development boards, Interfacing  peripherals & programming GPIOs & Design Considerations.

 Work with IoT Communication Protocols like- wired, wireless, Networking & Application

Write applications using programming Languages 

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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The Internet of Things (IOT) is the next wave, world is going to witness. Today, we live in an era of connected devices (mobile phones, computers etc.), the future is of connected things (Things mean: home appliances, vehicles, lamp-posts, personal accessories, your pets, industrial equipment’s and everything which you use in day to-day life).

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