Advance Java

Advance Java Training Provided by Zenfotec Solutions Training Institute in Bangalore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Zenfotec Solutions Training Institute staff Last updated Wed, 23-Mar-2022 English

Advance Java free videos and free material uploaded by Zenfotec Solutions Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Survey of Java EE Technologies

Describe the different Java platforms and versions

Describe the needs of enterprise applications

Introduce the Java EE APIs and services

Certifications Paths

Introducing Applications Servers

Enterprise Modules

Enterprise Application Architecture

Design Patterns

Model View Controller

Synchronous and Asynchronous communication

Network Topologies and Clustering

Layering (client, presentation, service, integration, persistence)

Web Technology Overview

Describe the role of web components in a Java EE application

Define the HTTP request-response model

Compare Java servlets, JSP, and JSF

Brief introduction to technologies not covered in detail

Developing Servlets

Describe the servlet API

Servlet configuration through annotations and deployment descriptors

Use the request and response APIs

Servlets as controllers

Developing with JavaServer Pages Technology

Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism

Author JSP pages

Process data received from servlets in a JSP page

Brief introduction to the JSTL and EL

JavaServer Faces

The JSF model explained

Adding JSF support to web applications

Using the JSF tag libraries

Configuring JSF page navigation

JSF Managed beans

JSF Conversion, Validation, and Error Handling

EJB Overview

EJB types: Session Beans

EJB types:Message Driven beans

Java Persistence API as a replacement for Entity EJBs

Describe the role of EJBs in a Java EE application

EJB lite

Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans

Compare stateless and stateful behavior

Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless session bean

Describe the operational characteristics of a stateful session bean

Describe the operational characteristics of a singleton session bean

Create session beans

Package and deploy session beans

Create session bean clients

The Java Persistence API

The role of the Java Persistence API in a Java EE application

Object Relational Mapping

Entity class creation

Using the EntityManager API

The life cycle and operational characteristics of Entity components

Persistent Units and Packaging

Implementing a Transaction Policy

Describe transaction semantics

Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping

Use the Java Transaction API (JTA) to scope transactions programmatically

Implement a container-managed transaction policy

Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components

Support pessimistic locking of entity components

Using transactions with the web profile

The Java Persistence API

The role of the Java Persistence API in a Java EE application

Object Relational Mapping

Entity class creation

Using the EntityManager API

The life cycle and operational characteristics of Entity components

Persistent Units and Packaging



Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Oracle Java EE 6 (Advance Java) training course gives you a broader view of Java EE platform. This training offers the ability to build and deploy the enterprise applications and gain hands-on experience in developing the business applications. This J2EE course imparts knowledge and skills that enhance your productivity and enables you to execute more efficient development techniques.

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