Advanced Data Structures Video, PPT, lecture notes, assignments, question papers for jntuk, jntuh, jntua, vtu, bput, anna universities
Advanced Data Structures free videos and free material uploaded by Ramanjaneyulu K .
- <!--[endif]-->Describe and implement a variety of advanced data structures (hash tables, priority queues, balanced search trees, graphs).
- Analyze the space and time complexity of the algorithms studied in the course.
- <!--[endif]-->Identify different solutions for a given problem; analyze advantages and disadvantages to different solutions.
- <!--[endif]-->Demonstrate an understanding of external memory and external search and sorting algorithms.
- <!--[endif]-->Demonstrate an understanding of simple Entity-Relationship models for databases.
Unit-I :
Sorting: External Sorting, Introduction, K-way Merging - Buffer Handling for parallel Operation- Run Generation- Optimal Merging of Runs.
HASHING: Introduction-Static Hashing- Hash Table- Hash Functions- Secure Hash Function- Overflow Handling- Theoretical Evaluation of Overflow Techniques, Dynamic Hashing- Motivation for Dynamic Hashing -Dynamic Hashing Using Directories- Directory less Dynamic, Hashing,
PRIORITY QUEUES (HEAPS): Model, Simple Implementation, Binary Heap-Structure Property-Heap-Order Property-Basic Heap Operations- Other Heap Operation, Applications of Priority Queues- The Selection Problem Event Simulation Problem, Binomial Queues- Binomial Queue Structure – Binomial Queue Operation- Implementation of Binomial Queues
EFFICIENT BINARY SEARCH TREES: Optimal Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Definition- Representation of a Red- Black Tree- Searching a Red-Black Tree- Inserting into a Red Black Tree- Deletion from a Red-Black Tree- Joining Red-Black Trees, Splitting a Red-Black tree.
MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES: M-Way Search Trees, Definition and Properties- Searching an M-Way Search Tree, B-Trees, Definition and Properties- Number of Elements in a B-tree- Insertion into B-Tree- Deletion from a B-Tree- B+-Tree Definition- Searching a B+-Tree- Insertion into B+-tree- Deletion from a B+-Tree.
DIGITAL SEARCH STRUCTURES: Digital Search Trees, Definition- Search, Insert and Delete- Binary tries and Patricia, Binary Tries, Compressed Binary Tries- Patricia, Multiway Tries- Definitions- Searching a Trie- Sampling Strategies- Insertion into a Trie- Deletion from a Trie- Keys with Different Length- Height of a Trie- Space Required and Alternative Node Structure- Prefix Search and Applications- Compressed Tries- Compressed Tries With Skip Fields- Compressed Tries With Labeled Edges- Space Required by a Compressed Tries, Tries and Internet Packet Forwarding ,- IP Routing- 1-Bit Tries- Fixed-Stride Tries-Variable-Stride Tries.
- Be able to understand and apply amortised analysis on data structures, including binary search trees, mergable heaps, and disjoint sets.
- <!--[endif]-->Understand the implementation and complexity analysis of fundamental algorithms such as RSA, primality testing, max flow, discrete Fourier transform.
- <!--[endif]-->Have an idea of applications of algorithms in a variety of areas, including linear programming and duality, string matching, game-theory
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