Agricultural Policy: Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis (MNR 002) by IGNOU
Agricultural Policy: Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis (MNR 002) free videos and free material uploaded by IGNOU Staff .
Agricultural Policy and Its Instrument
Agricultural Sector Goals and Policy Options
Process of Policy formulation in Agriculture
Policy Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
Participatory Approaches to Agricultural Policy Process
Policy failure and governance
National Agriculture and Input Use Policies
Marketing, Price and Trade Policies
Institutional Support and Investment in agriculture
Farm and Non-Farm sector and Structure of Farming Sector
Rural Development Experiences
Varying Agricultural Environment, Resource Endowments and Development
Agricultural Policies in Developed Countries
Agricultural Policies of Developing Countries
Responses to Globalization and World Trade Organization
The course explains the concept, importance, goals, instruments and components of agriculture policy. The process and major steps in policy formulation, policy implementation along with monitoring and evaluation will be discussed. This course helps you to understand the salient features, strengths and weaknesses of agriculture policies adopted in India. Understanding of salient features of National Agriculture Policy; land, labour, water and other input use policies; agricultural marketing, pricing and trade policies; institutional support and investment policies in agriculture will be provided. The course examines the need for inter-linkage between farm and non-farm sector for rural and agriculture development; growth of farm input and output; and role of the farming sector in food security and national economy. The rural poverty alleviation programmes and special agricultural development programmes implemented in the country will be elaborated. The course highlights the role of resources like land, labour and capital in agricultural development; and critically examines the agriculture policy of the developed and developing countries. The concept of globalization and agriculture trade issues are also explained.
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