Amazon web services AWS

Amazon web services - AWS online training at sivasoft

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by siva soft Instructor Last updated Mon, 28-Feb-2022 English

Amazon web services AWS free videos and free material uploaded by siva soft Instructor .

Syllabus / What will i learn?
Linux Overview
Linux for AWS
Linux Installation
Basic commands overview
Web Server
Services Configurations

Introduction to Cloud Computing
AWS Overview
History and Evolution of AWS
Overview of AWS Products and Services
Identity Access Management
IAM Overview and Policies
Components of IAM
Managing Users with IAM
Managing Permissions with Groups
IAM Policy and Its Elements
Best Practices of IAM
Identity and Credential Management
Access and Permission Management
Access other service by using IAM policy
Login to AWS console via MFA
Storage Services
Traditional Vs Cloud Storage
Difference Between S3, EBS, and EFS
Working of S3
Bucket Policy
Access Control List (ACL)
Cross-Region Replication (CRR) and its Use case
Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
Choice of Storage Classes on S3
Life Cycle Policy of S3 Bucket
Access S3 And Glacier
Storage Gateway
EC2(Elastic Cloud Compute)
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Security Groups In AWS
Authentication Through Key-Pair
Hardware Tenancy – Shared v/s Dedicated
The network layer in EC2: VPC
Different Categories of IP Address
AWS Storage Services and how to select them
Instance Store
Elastic Block Store (EBS), its features and volume types
EFS (Elastic File System)
Elastic File System (EFS) and its Features
Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and its benefits
Default and Non-Default VPC
IP Address
CIDR- Classless Inter-domain Routing
Subnet: Subnet Mask and Subnet Mask Classes
Private and Public Subnet
IPv4 v/s IPv6 – As in AWS Infrastructure
Internet Gateway and Route Tables
Security Group with VPC
Access Control List, NACL and Security Group
NAT Devices: NAT Gateway and NAT Instance
VPC Peering and its working
VPN and Direct Connect
Auto Scaling
Auto Scaling and its features
Auto Scaling Group
Auto-Scaling Components
Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling
Scaling Policy
Elastic Load Balancing
Types of Load Balancer
Components of Application Load Balancer
Application V/S Classic V/S Network Load Balancer
Working of Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling
Cloud Watch
Introduction of Cloud Watch
Configuring & Monitoring Services
Application V/S Classic V/S Network Load Balancer
Simple Notification Service
Introduction of SNS
Creating a topic & queue
Create subscription & integration
Subscribed to the subscription
Simple Queue Service
Introduction of SQS
Creating a topic & queue
Create subscription & integration
Subscribed to the subscription
SES(Simple Email Service)
Introduction of SES
Creating a topic & queue
Create subscription & integration
Subscribed to the subscription
Hosted zones and Domain name understanding
How to create hosted zones
Hosting a website with a custom domain name
Understanding routing policies
Relational Database Service
Introduction to RDS
Different database services of AWS: Amazon RDS, Dynamo DB, Redshift, etc.
Create MYSQL RDS Instance, Oracle RDS Instance, MS SQL RDS Instance
Configuring the database
Configuring backups
Configuring the maintenance windows
Connecting to the database
Dynamo DB
Introduction to Dynamo DB
Creating a dynamo db
Understanding Partition Key, Sort Key & Index
Configuring alarms
Cloud Formation
Need of CloudFormation
CloudFormation and its components
Templates in CloudFormation
Stack in CloudFormation
Cloud Front

Overview of Cloud Front
Common needs and challenges
Creating a cloudfront distribution
Discussion on Pricing
API Gateway
Serverless Computing
Amazon Lambda and it's working
Event Sources –Integration with Lambda
Overview of API Gateway
Configuring API to services
Overview of ECS
ECS vs Docker
Security Options

AWS Config
Key Management Services
AWS Certificate Manager
AWS Inspector
AWS Trusted Advisor
Content Delivery Networks / CloudFront
Application Services
Simple Email Service
Simple Queue Service
Simple Workflow Service
Simple Notification Service
SMS – Server Migration Service

Migrating server from on-premises to cloud
Cloud Formation
Directory Services and Adding EC2 instance to Domain
AWS TCO Calculator and Simple Monthly calculator
DevOps Tools Overview
What is DevOps in Cloud
Code Pipeline
Code Commit, Code Build
Code Deploy
Monitoring Tools
Creating Custom Metrics with CloudWatch
Amazon White Papers review
Performance Efficiency
Cost Optimization
Operational Excellence

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