Angular 2 Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
Angular 2 free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Getting Started
Working with JavaScript Modules
and SystemJs
Introduction to TypeScript
A Conceptual Overview of Angular 2
Here's What We'll Be Building
Installing Git and Node
Creating Your First Component
Using the Angular CLI
Creating and Communicating Between Components
Creating Your First Data-bound
Using External Templates
Communicating with Child
Components Using @Input
Communicating with Parent
Components Using @Output
Using Template Variables to
Interact with Child Components
Styling Components
Exploring Angular's CSS
Adding a Site Header
Exploring the New Template Syntax
Interpolation, Property Bindings,
and Expressions
Event Bindings and Statements
Repeating Data with ngFor
Handling Null Values with the
Safe-Navigation Operator
Hiding and Showing Content with
Hiding Content with the [Hidden]
Hiding and Showing Content with
Styling Components with ngClass
Styling Components with ngStyle
Creating Reusable Services
Why We Need Services and
Dependency Injection
Creating Your First Service
Wrapping Third Party Services
Routing and Navigating Pages
Adding Multiple Pages to Your App
Adding Your First Route
Accessing Route Parameters
Linking to Routes
Navigating from Code
Guarding Against Route Activation
Guarding Against Route
Pre-loading Data for Components
Styling Active Links
Collecting Data with Forms and Validation
Using Models for Type Safety
Creating Your First Template-based
Using the Data from Your
Template-based Form
Validating Template-based Form
Validating Reactive Forms
Communicating Between Components
Passing Data into a Child
Passing Data out of a Child
Reusing Components with Content Projection
Content Projection
Multiple Slot Content Projection
Displaying Data with Pipes
Using Built-in Pipes
Creating a Custom Pipe
Sorting and Filtering Overview
Creating a Filtering Display
Filtering Data
Understanding Dependency Injection
Using Third Party Global Services
- The Problem
Angular Dependency Injection
Using OpaqueToken for Dependency
Using the @Inject Decorator
The useClass Provider
Creating Directives and Advanced Components
Implementing the Session Search
Adding jQuery
Creating a Modal Component
Fixing Template Parse Errors
Creating Directives - The Trigger
Binding an ID
Routing to the Same Component
Using the @ViewChild Decorator
Creating Settings on Components
Communicating with the Server Using HTTP, Observables, and Rx
Moving Data Storage to the Server
Listening to Resolved Data Changes
Using Querystring Parameters
Using POST and PUT
Integrating Authentication with
the Server
Persisting Authentication Status
Across Page Refreshes
Saving User Data to the Server
Implementing Logout
Unit Testing Your Code
Installing Karma
Unit Testing Services
Testing Mock Calls
Testing Components with Isolated
Going to Production
Learning the Concepts
Linting with TSLint
Tuning Your rxJS Requests
Enabling Production Mode
Basic Copy Deployment
Ahead of Time Compiler Overview
Preparing for the AOT Compiler
Making Coding Fixes for the AOT
Running the AOT Compiler
Tree Shaking and Bundling with
Angular 2 is a structural framework for dynamic web
applications. Angular 2 is an open-source web application framework maintained
by Google. Angular 2 lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you
extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and
succinctly. Angular's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of
the code you would otherwise have to write. Angular 2 is a powerful JavaScript
based development framework to create RICH Internet Application(RIA). Angular 2
helps you structure and test your Javascript code very easily. Angular 2 is quickly
becoming the dominant JavaScript framework for professional web development.
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