Applied Physics Video, PPT, lecture notes, assignments, question papers for jntuk, jntuh, jntua, vtu, bput, anna universities
Applied Physics free videos and free material uploaded by Ramanjaneyulu K .
Physics curriculum which is re-oriented to the needs of Circuital branches of graduate engineering courses offered by JNTUniv.Kkd. that serves as a transit to understand the branch specific advanced topics.
The courses are designed to:
• Impart Knowledge of Physical Optics phenomena like Interference, Diffraction and Polarization involving required to design instruments with higher resolution.
• Teach Concepts of coherent sources, its realization and utility optical instrumentation.
• Study the concepts regarding the bulk response of materials to the EM fields and their analytically study in the back-drop of basic quantum mechanics.
• Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism for their utility in sensors.
INTERFERENCE: Principle of Superposition – Coherent Sources – Interference in thin films (reflection geometry) – Newton’s rings – construction and basic principle of Interferometers.
DIFFRACTION: Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit - Cases of double slit, N-slits & Circular Aperture (Qualitative treatment only)-Grating equation - Resolving power of a grating, Telescope and Microscopes.
POLARIZATION: Types of Polarization – Methods of production - Nicol Prism -Quarter wave plate and Half Wave plate – Working principle of Polarimeter (Sacharimeter).
LASERS: Characteristics– Stimulated emission – Einstein’s Transition Probabilities- Pumping schemes - Ruby laser – Helium Neon laser.
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS: Scalar and Vector Fields – Electric Potential- Gradient, Divergence of fields – Gauss and Stokes theorems-Propagation of EM waves through dielectric medium.
QUANTUM MECHANICS: Introduction - Matter waves – Schröedinger Time Independent and Time Dependent wave equations – Particle in a box.
FREE ELECTRON THEORY: Defects of Classical free electron theory –Quantum Free electron theory - concept of Fermi Energy.
BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS: Bloch’s theorem (qualitative) – Kronig – Penney model – energy bands in crystalline solids – classification of crystalline solids– effective mass of electron & concept of hole.
SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS: Conduction – Density of carriers in Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors – Drift & Diffusion – relevance of Einstein’s equation- Hall effect in semiconductors
Construction and working details of instruments, ie., Interferometer,
Diffractometer and Polarimeter are learnt. Study EM-fields and semiconductors under the concepts of Quantum mechanics paves way for their optimal utility.
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