AWS CERTIFIED TRAINING by Eppeok Institute of Technology Training Institute in Kolkata,Salt Lake
AWS CERTIFIED TRAINING free videos and free material uploaded by Eppeok Institute of Technology staff .
Introduction to AWS
AWS Design Principles
AWS Resilient Architectures
AWS Performant Architectures
AWS Storage and AWS Block Storage
AWS Dynamo DB Performance Options
Identity and Access Management
Detection & AWS Monitoring
Securing AWS Infrastructure
AWS Cost Optimization
All About AWS Storage
AWS Users & IAM Accounts
AWS Databases
High Availability of AWS Network and Infrastructure
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
AWS Designing Architectures
AWS Cloud Migration Strategies
AWS Cloud Basics (Migration)
AWS Cloud Migration Hub
AWS Data Migration
AWS Server Migration
AWS Database Migration Technique
AWS Cloud Formation Basics
Play a critical role in an organization’s cloud computing strategy as an AWS Cloud Architect. Learn to plan, design, and implement secure cloud infrastructure in AWS at scale. Begin by designing and building high availability infrastructure, and then move on to building scalable, secure, and cost-optimized architecture. Finally, explore and execute best practices and strategies around securing access to cloud services and infrastructure.
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