B.Sc IT Cloud Technology and Information Security training provided by iNuture training institute in Bangalore
B.Sc IT Cloud Technology and Information Security free videos and free material uploaded by iNuture staff .
Communication Skills
Fundamentals of Mathematics
Computer Fundamentals and Organization
Programming in C
Introduction to Unix and Shell Scripting
C Programming Laboratory
Linux Laboratory
Reasoning and Thinking
Operating System
OOPS with C++
Data Structure using C
Introduction to Java Scripting
OOPS with C++ Laboratory
Information Security Fundamentals
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Relational Database Management Systems
Computer Networks Fundamentals
Programming in JAVA
Relational Database Management Laboratory
Java Programming Laboratory
Server Administration
Ethical Hacking Fundamentals
Cryptography Fundamentals
Storage and Data Center Fundamentals
Principles of Virtualization
Network Security
Ethical Hacking Laboratory
Server Administration Laboratory
Computer Forensics – an Introduction
Cloud Security
Security Threats and Trends
Infrastructure Solutions on Cloud
Automation and Configuration Management
Linux Administration
Computer Forensics Laboratory
IT Governance, Risk & Information Security Management
Fundamentals of IT Infrastructure and Library
Project and Viva-Voce
The program B.Sc IT Cloud Technology and Information Security is designed with inputs from industry veterans. It educates students in the core areas of IT and provides advanced training in cloud computing and information security. Both cloud computing and information security are two of the most important areas of IT industry today. Businesses are highly dependent on both cloud computing and information security for smooth operations and growth. The program offers great career opportunities in a wide variety of roles in both cloud computing and information security domains.
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