Best Django Training

Best Django Training by Qtree Technologies Training Institute in Coimbatore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Qtree Technologies staff Last updated Tue, 12-Apr-2022 English

Best Django Training free videos and free material uploaded by Qtree Technologies staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction to Django:


Why Django?

Batteries Included

Django Principles

What you Should Already Know

Course Overview

Django Get Started Hands On

Installing Data base

Bringing up Web server

Defining list and list slicing

Starting Django Project

Creating a Django Project

Demo: Creating a Django Project

The Model-Template-View Pattern

Demo: Hello, World!

Mapping URLs

Demo: URL Mapping

Django Views

Demo: Templates


Demo: Adding Models

Django Model Classes Database Commands

Demo: The Admin Interface

The Django Admin Interface

Demo: The Model API

Save and Delete

The Model API

Database Relations

Adding User Home Page

Demo: Adding Login and Logout Views

More about URL Mappings

Demo: A Template for the Home Page

Authorization with Django

More about Django Templates

Demo: Adding the Home View

URL Mappings for Apps

Demo: Template Inheritance

Template Inheritance

Demo: Login Required

Demo: Showing Game Data on the Home Page

Demo: A Custom Manager Class

The Template Context

Templates: For and Include Tags


Demo: Adding a HTML Form

Using Django Forms

Demo: Adding Stypng to the Form with Crispy-Forms

Demo: Field Options

Field Options

Demo: Showing Invitations in a List

Demo: Accepting Invitations

Demo: Named Groups

Named Groups in URLs

Django and REST APIs

Django REST framework


Odds and Ends


Class-based Views

Demo: Class-based Views

Demo: Adding User Signup

Generic Views

Debugging Django

Demo: The Django Debug Toolbar


Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Qtree Technologies in Coimbatore is the best Django training center in Coimbatore where you will be exposed to differentiated learning environment as the course syllabus has been prepared by the highly experienced professionals. With this course, you can learn about Django program structure, execution steps, memory management and garbage collections, data types, statements and syntax, file operations, functions, modules and packages, classes, exception handling and lot more. Please check below for the detailed syllabus.

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Material price :


1:1 Online Training Fee: 10000 /-
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