Best python training

Best python training courses provide by GoEcode technologies

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Created by GoEcodetechnologies staff Last updated Wed, 06-Apr-2022 English

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Syllabus / What will i learn?

Core Python course

Introduction to Script

    What is Script

    What is a program?

    Types of Scripts

    Difference between Script & Programming Languages

    Features of Scripting

    Limitation of Scripting

    Types of programming Language Paradigm

Introduction to Python course

    What is Python?

    Why Python?

    Who Uses Python?

    Characteristics of Python

    History of Python

    What is PSF?

    Python Versions

    How to Download Python

    How to Install Python

    Install Python with Diff IDEs

    Features of Python

    Limitations of Python

    Python Applications

    Creating Your First Python Program

    Printing to the Screen

    Reading Keyboard Input

    Using Command Prompt and GUI or IDE

    Python Distributions

Different Modes in PYTHON course

    Execute the Script

    Interactive Mode

    Script Mode

    Python File Extensions


    Clear screen inside python

    Learn Python Main Function

    Python Comments

    Quit the Python Shell

    Shell as a Simple Calculator

    Order of operations

    Multiline Statements

    Quotations in Python

    Python Path Testing

    Joining two lines

    Python Implementation Alternatives

    Python Sub Packages

    Uses of Python in Data Science


    Working with Python in Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac/Android..!!


    PyCharm IDE

    How to Work on PyCharm

    PyCharm Components

    Debugging process in PyCharm

    PYTHON Install Anaconda

    What is Anaconda?

    Coding Environments

    Spyder Components

    General Spyder Features

    Spyder Shortcut Keys

    Jupyter Notebook

    What is Conda?

    Conda List?

    Jupyter and Kernels

    What is PIP?

Variables in Python course

    What is Variable?

    Variables in Python

    Constants in Python

    Variable and Value

    Variable names

    Mnemonic Variable Names

    Values and Types

    What Does “Type” Mean?

    Multiple Assignment

    Python different numerical types

    Standard Data Types

    Operators and Operands

    Order of Operations

    Swap variables

    Python Mathematics

    Type Conversion

    Mutable Versus Immutable Objects

String Handling

    What is string?

    String operations

    String indices

    Basic String Operations

    String Functions, Methods

    Delete a string

    String Multiplication and concatenation

    Python Keywords

    Python Identifiers

    Python Literals

    String Formatting Operator

    Structuring with indentation in Python

    Built-in String Methods

    Define Data Structure?

    Data Structures in PYTHON

Python Operators and Operands

    Arithmetic Operators

    Relational Operators

    Comparison Operators

    Python Assignment Operators

    Short hand Assignment Operators

    Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators

    Membership Operators

    Identity Operators

    Operator precedence

    Evaluating Expressions

Python Conditional Statements:

    How to use “if condition” in conditional structures

    if statement (One-Way Decisions)

    if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)

    How to use “else condition”

    if .. elif .. else statement (Multi-way)

    When “else condition” does not work

    How to use “elif” condition

    How to execute conditional statement with minimal code

    Nested IF Statement

Python LOOPS

    How to use “While Loop”

    How to use “For Loop”

    How to use For Loop for set of other things besides numbers

    Break statements in For Loop

    Continue statement in For Loop

    Enumerate function for For Loop

    Practical Example

    How to use for loop to repeat the same statement over and again

    Break, continue statements

Learning Python Strings

    Accessing Values in Strings

    Various String Operators

    Some more examples

    Python String replace() Method

    Changing upper and lower case strings

    Using “join” function for the string

    Reversing String

    Split Strings

Sequence or Collections in PYTHON


    Unicode Strings





Python Lists

    Lists are mutable

    Getting to Lists

    List indices

    Traversing a list

    List operations

    List slices

    List methods

    Map, filter and reduce

    Deleting elements

    Lists and strings

Python TUPLE

    Advantages of Tuple over List

    Packing and Unpacking

    Comparing tuples

    Creating nested tuple

    Using tuples as keys in dictionaries

    Deleting Tuples

    Slicing of Tuple

    Tuple Membership Test

    Built-in functions with Tuple

    Dotted Charts

Python Sets

    How to create a set?

    Iteration Over Sets

    Python Set Methods

    Python Set Operations

    Union of sets

    Built-in Functions with Set

    Python Frozenset

Python Dictionary

    How to create a dictionary?


    Python Dictionary Methods

    Copying dictionary

    Updating Dictionary

    Delete Keys from the dictionary

    Dictionary items() Method

    Sorting the Dictionary

    Python Dictionary in-built Functions

    Dictionary len() Method

    Variable Types

    Python List cmp() Method

    Dictionary Str(dict)

Python Functions

    What is a function?

    How to define and call a function in Python

    Types of Functions

    Significance of Indentation (Space) in Python

    How Function Return Value?

    Types of Arguments in Functions

    Default Arguments

    Non-Default Arguments

    Keyword Arguments

    Non-keyword Arguments

    Arbitrary Arguments

    Rules to define a function in Python

    Various Forms of Function Arguments

    Scope and Lifetime of variables

    Nested Functions

    Call By Value, Call by Reference

    Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions

    Passing functions to function

    map(), filter(), reduce() functions

    What is a Docstring?

Advanced Python course

    Python Modules

    What is a Module?

    Types of Modules

    The import Statement

    The from…import Statement

    ..import * Statement

    Underscores in Python

    The dir( ) Function

    Creating User defined Modules

    Command line Arguments

    Python Module Search Path

Packages in Python

    What is a Package?

    Introduction to Packages?

    py file

    Importing module from a package

    Creating a Package

    Creating Sub Package

    Importing from Sub-Packages

    Popular Python Packages

Python Date and Time

    How to Use Date & DateTime Class

    How to Format Time Output

    How to use Timedelta Objects

    Calendar in Python

    datetime classes in Python course

    How to Format Time Output?

    The Time Module

    Python Calendar Module

    Python Text Calendar

    Python HTML Calendar Class

    Unix Date and Time Commands

File Handling

    What is a data, Information File?

    File Objects

    File Different Modes

    file Object Attributes

    How to create a Text File

    How to Append Data to a File

    How to Read a File

    Closing a file

    Read, read line ,read lines, write, write lines…!!

    Renaming and Deleting Files

    Directories in Python

    Working with CSV files

    Working with CSV Module

    Handling IO Exceptions

Python OS Module

    Shell Script Commands

    Various OS operations in Python

    Python File System Shell Methods

Python Exception Handling

    Python Errors

    Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON

    Abnormal termination

    Chain of importance Of Exception

    Exception Handling

    Try … Except

    Try .. Except .. else

    Try … finally

    Argument of an Exception

    Python Custom Exceptions

    Ignore Errors



More Advanced PYTHON

    Python Iterators

    Python Generators

    Python Closures

    Python Decorators

    Python @property

Python Class and Objects

    Introduction to OOPs Programming

    Object Oriented Programming System

    OOPS Principles

    Define Classes

    Creating Objects

    Class variables and Instance Variables Constructors

    Basic concept of Object and Classes

    Access Modifiers

    How to define Python classes

    Python Namespace

    Self-variable in python

    Garbage Collection

    What is Inheritance? Types of Inheritance?

    How Inheritance works?

    Python Multiple Inheritance

    Overloading and Over Riding




    Built-In Class Attributes

Python Regular Expressions

    What is Regular Expression?

    Regular Expression Syntax

    Understanding Regular Expressions

    Regular Expression Patterns

    Literal characters

    Repetition Cases

    Example of w+ and ^ Expression

    Example of s expression in re.split function

    Using regular expression methods

    Using re.match()

    Finding Pattern in Text (

    Using re.findall for text

    Python Flags

    Methods of Regular Expressions

Python XML Parser

    What is XML?

    Difference between XML and HTML

    Difference between XML and JSON and Gson

    How to Parse XML

    How to Create XML Node

    Python vs JAVA

    XML and HTML

Python-Data Base Communication

    What is Database? Types of Databases?

    What is DBMS?

    What is RDBMS?

    What is Big Data? Types of data?



    SQL server


    Postgre SQL

    Executing the Queries

    Bind Variables

    Installing of Oracle Python Modules

    Executing DML Operations..!!


    What is Multi-Threading

    Threading Module

    Defining a Thread

    Thread Synchronization

Web Scrapping

    The components of a web page






    Installing External Modules Using PIP

Unit Testing with PyUnit

    What is Testing?

    Types of Testings and Methods?

    What is Unit Testing?

    What is PyUnit?

    Test scenarPython, Test Cases, Test suites

Introduction to Python Web Frameworks

    Django – Design

    Advantages of Django

    MVC and MVT

    Installing Django

    Designing Web Pages

    HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS

    PYTHON Flask

    PYTHON Bottle

    PYTHON Pyramid

    PYTHON Falcon

GUI Programming-Tkinter


    Components and Events

    Adding Controls

    Entry Widget, Text Widget, Radio Button, Check Button

    List Boxes, Menus, ComboBox

Data Analytics

    Introduction to data Big Data?

    Introduction to NumPY and SciPY

    Introduction to Pandas and MatPlotLib

Introduction to Machine Learning with PYTHON

    What is Machine learning?

    Machine Learning Methods

    Predictive Models

    Descriptive Models

    What are the steps used in Machine Learning?

    What is Deep Learning?

Data Science

    What is Data Science?

    Data Science Life Cycle?

    What is Data Analysis

    What is Data Mining

    Analytics vs Data Science

Internet of Things


    What is IOT

    History of IoT

    What is Network?

    What is Protocol?

    What is smart?

    How IoT Works?

    The Future of IoT

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