Big Data and Hadoop certification training is provided by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute in Bangalore,BTM
Big Data and Hadoop free videos and free material uploaded by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute staff .
Module 1 -
Introduction To Big Data
Introduction to Big Data
What is Big data?
Evolution of Data
5Vs pf Big Data
Different Kinds of Data
Big Data Sources
Processing Big Data
Big data Analytics
Big Data Insight
Applications of Big Data Analytics
Benefits of Big Data
How big Data Impacts IT
Introduction To Big Data Quiz
Hadoop and Its Architecture
what is hadoop?
About Hadoop
Problems in Distributed Computing
Famouse Hadoop Users
Why Hadoop?
Features of Hadoop
Simple Architecture of Hadoop
Core Components of Hadoop
What is HDFS ?
What is Map Reduce?
Hadoop Versions
Types of Nodes in Hadoop
Hadoop System
Hadoop 1.x Architecture
Hadoop 1.x Cluster Administration
Hadoop 1.x Meta Data Management
Hadoop 1.x Architecture Disadvantages
Hadoop 2.x Architecture
Hadoop 2.x Description
Hadoop Spt QUIZ
Map Reduce and YARN
Hadoop Core Components
Design of HDFS
Concept of HDFS
Map Reduce - Data Processing
Map Reduce : Parallel Processing of Data
Map Reduce Programming Model
Map Reduce Example : Vote Count (Traditional)
Map Reduce Example : Vote Count (Map Reduce)
Map Reduce in Detail through Word Count
Scheduling in YARN
Scheduling in YARN - Capacity Scheduler
Map Reduce Vs YARN
Yarn Take AWAY
Map Reduce and Yarn QUIZ
Cloudera Installation
Basic Commands in Hadoop
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description - version
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description - jps
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description - ls
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -mkdir
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -put
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -cat
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description - touchz
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description - get
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -cp
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -mv
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -rm-r
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -du
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -stat
Basic Commands in Hadoop Description -report
Basic Hadoop Commands Quiz
Tasks (Hadoop Commands)
Hadoop Distribution Systems
Popular Hadoop Distributions
Popular Hadoop Distributions - Cloudera
Popular Hadoop Distributions - Horton Works
Popular Hadoop Distributions - MapR
Choosing a Hadoop Distribution
Hadoop Distribution Systems Quiz
Module 2 – Sqoop
Sqoop Introduction
Why Sqoop
Sqoop Architecture
Sqoop Features
Sqoop Import
SQOOP Import Internal Process
Sqoop Import Important Parameters
Sqoop import Sample Execution
Sqoop Import Commands
Sqoop Import Command using WHERE condition
Sqoop Import for importing only Specific column
Sqoop Handson in CLOUDERA
Sqoop Import Assignments
Sqoop Import Important Commands
Sqoop EVAL
Sqoop EVAL Insert
Sqoop EVAL Update
Sqoop Import Split by
Sqoop Import Split by Handson
Sqoop Import Direct Mode
Sqoop Import Direct Mode Handson
Sqoop Import EVAL,Split by ,direct Mode Assignments
Module 3 – Hive
Hive Introduction
Why another Warehousing system
Hive Introduction
what is hive?
Architectural Overview
Hive Execution plan
Apache Hive Tables & Data types
Hive Data types
Data Abstraction in Hive
Hive Data Model
Hive Default Warehouse
Hive Default Warehouse - Sample Execution
Hive Tables
Create database in Hive
Internal Table
Drop Internal Table
Drop External Table
When to use Internal and External Table?
Internal Table Vs External Table
Industry Usage
Module 4 - Hbase
No SQL Database Introduction
Summary of Early Database systems
Issues with RDBMS - Scalability
Why RDBMS is not suitable for Big data
What is NoSQL?
Need of NoSQL
Types of NoSQL Databases
Characteristics of NoSQL Database
Key Value Pair Based
Column Based
Document Based
Graph Based
CAP Theorem
Advantages of NoSQL Database
What are not provided by NoSQL
Where to use NoSQL
Module 5 - Scala
Basics of Scala
What is Scala?
What is Functional Programming?
Pure Functions Example
Impure Functions
Variable declaration and
Type Interference
Lazy Evaluation
String Interpolation
Different String Interpolation
String -s Interpolator
String -f Interpolator
String -raw Interpolator
Module 6 – PYSPARK
Spark Introduction
Big Data Processing
Why Spark?
What is Spark?
Hadoop MapReduce Vs
Apache Spark
Spark Components
Spark Ecosystem
Spark Core
Spark SQL
Spark Streaming
Module 7 - SPARK
Spark Streaming
What is Streaming Data?
What is Spark Streaming
Simple Architecture of Spark Streaming
Spark Streaming Work Flow
Key Concepts in Spark Streaming
What is Dstream?
Streaming Context
Dstream Interface
Mapped Dstream
Windowed Dstream
Network Input Dstream
Transformations on Dstreams
stateful Transformations
Windowed Transformations
UpdatestateBykey Transformation
Action/output Operations
Network Receiver
Components of Spark Streaming
Execution Model - Receiving Data
Execution Model - Job Scheduling
Job Scheduling
Dstream Persistance
What is RDD Checkpointing ?
Why is RDD Checkpointing necessary ?
RDD Checkpointing
Performance Tunning
Performance Tunning - Step - 1
Step - 2 : Optimize for Lower Latency
Code for Spark Streaming - Word Count
Code for Spark Streaming - Word Count flow
Spark Streaming Use Cases
Module 8 – KAFKA
Kafka Introduction & Topics
Why kafka is needed?
Kafka Use Cases
Who uses Kafka?
What is Kafka ?
Kafka Core Concepts
Kafka API's
Kafka API
Kafka Fundamental
Kafka Topic
Module 9 – Projects
Project 1 - Hive AVRO Data Standandization
Project 2 - Banking Data processing using Hive
Project 3 - SPARK HBASE HIVE Project
demand for Big Data professionals is increasing across the globe and it’s a
great opportunity for the IT professionals to move into the most sought
technology in the present day world. ExcelR offers classroom and instructor-led
live online Big Data course with Hadoop, delivered by industry experts who are
considered to be the best trainers in the industry.
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