
Cassandra Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff Last updated Thu, 07-Apr-2022 English

Cassandra free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

What is Big Data

Technology Landscape

Big Data Relevance

Distributed Systems and Challenges

Why NoSQL Databases

Relational DB vs. NoSQL

Type of NoSQL Databases

NoSQL Landscape

CAP Theorem and Eventual Consistency

Key Characteristics of NoSQL Database systems


Cassandra Fundamentals

Distributed and Decentralized

Elastic Scalability

High Availability and Fault Tolerance

Tuneable Consistency



High Performance

The Cassandra Data Model

Single Node Setup

Multi-Node Cluster Setup

Key Configurations for Cassandra

CLI and Hands-On with Cassandra

Cassandra Modeling

Cassandra (Column Family NoSQL DB)

Key Concepts – Key Space – Column Family – Column Family Options – Wide Rows, Skinny Row – Column Sorting – Super Columns – Counter Column Family – Composite Keys and Columns – Time To Live –

Secondary Indexes in Cassandra

Difference between Custom Indexes and Secondary Indexes

Difference between Relational Modeling and Cassandra Modeling

Key Points to note while modeling a Cassandra Database

Patterns and Anit-Patterns in Cassandra Modeling

Cassandra Architecture & Intro to CQL

Anatomy of Read operation in Cassandra

Anatomy of Write operation in Cassandra

How is Deletes handled in Cassandra

System Keyspace

Peer to Peer Model Logical Data Model: Keyspace, Column Family/Table, Rows, Columns

Traditional Ring design vs. VNodes

Partitioners: Murmer3, Random (md5) and ByteOrdered

Gossip and Failure Detection

Anti-Entropy and Read Repair

Memtables, SSTables and Commit Log

Compaction fundamentals to reduce SSTable data files

Hinted Handoff


Bloom Filters, Tombstones

Managers and Services


Indexes and Caches

Coordinator node

Seed nodes

Write/Read consistency levels: Any, One, Two, Three, Quorum

Snitches: Dynamic snitching, Simple Snitch, Rack Inferring Snitch, Property File Snitch, Gossiping Property File Snitch

Routing Client requests

Nodetool commands: gossipinfo, cfstats, describing

YAML file fundamentals

Operations management web GUI

Stress testing Cassandra

CQL command fundamentals

Cassandra API

Key concepts for Read and Write in Cassandra

Tunable Consistency

Simple Get , Multi-get Slice

Range and Slice

Slice Predicate


Hands on CLI commands

Cassandra CQSHL

SQL over Cassandra

Composite Keys

Hands on examples on CQL 3.0

Cassandra Clients

How to establish Client Connections

Thrift Client

Connection Pooling

Auto-discovery and Failover in Hector

Client with CQL

Cassandra Monitoring and Administration

Tuning Cassandra

Backup and Recovery methods



Node Tools Commands


Monitoring critical metrics

Bulk Loading Data to Cassandra

Bulk Export of Data from Cassandra

Hands on Examples for each of them

Cassandra Analytics Cluster

Cassandra Hadoop Integration

Cassandra Search Cluster

Integration of Solr with Cassandra

Search Query on Cassandra


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0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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